[Nas] Geah

[AZV] Peace king

[Nas] Peace king

[AZV] Listen, they wrote a book on your life

[Nas] Right

[AZV] You think anybody'll read it?

[Nas] No fuckin doubt!

[AZV] Let's make history homey

[Nas] Aight then

[AZV] You know we brought the hoes clothes and money rolls to the table

[Nas - laughing] No, fuckin, doubt

[AZV] It's time to manifest this

[Nas] Shit we the flyest nigga

[AZV] Bring it to a whole, y'know?

[Nas] Gangsta nigga


Niggaz better watch ya back, it's so cold

Pinky rings shinin, so act like y'don't know

Bitches in heat for niggaz that got dough

We the flyest gangsters

What you don't got is my natural glow

Countin out stacks and mackin out hoes

Pushin big dicks and packin our chrome

We the flyest gangsters


Follow, I'm like a Lamborghini green Diablo

Coupe VT, it's like DVD when I flow

Feel me, I'm loved like the great late Malik Sealy

The one the player haters hate dearly, but can't near me

Homicide can't scare me

I o-bide by the laws of these streets sincerely, a real nigga

The type that can build with ya

wrote - escrevi
weakness - fraqueza
watch - assistir
wanna - quero
vision - visão
vengeance - vingança
vehicular - veicular
truly - verdadeiramente
together - juntos
these - estes
target - alvo
table - mesa
style - estilo
strength - força
strays - perambular
spectrum - espectro
sites - Sites
shinin - shinin
shield - escudo
sealed - selado
seafood - frutos do mar
relations - relações
regardless - independentemente
right - certo
pushin - empurre
proud - orgulhoso
protected - protegido
prison - prisão
player - jogador
pinky - pinky
stayin - fique
picture - cenário
peace - paz
older - mais velho
wanted - procurado
between - entre
drivin - drivin
dodge - esquivar
impaired - prejudicado
streets - ruas
killed - morto
music - música
diablo - diablo
defendant - réu
countin - eu conto com
hands - mãos
identity - identidade
faith - fé
dearly - muito caro
course - curso
aight - aight
follow - segue
coupe - cupê
peaceful - pacífico
fuckin - fuckin
circumstances - circunstâncias
embassy - embaixada
outside - lado de fora
close - fechar
thoughts - pensamentos
market - mercado
bless - abençoe
doubt - dúvida
energy - energia
whole - todo
bishop - bispo
learn - aprender
dependant - зависимый
blessed - abençoado
lover - amante
chrome - cromada
first - primeiro
scare - susto
forms - formas
listen - ouço
spirits - espíritos
clothes - roupas
recite - recitar
better - melhor
horse - cavalo
still - ainda
shakin - Shakin
anymore - não mais
crook - trapaceiro
kennedy - kennedy
beauty - beleza
married - casado
break - pausa
rolls - rolos
dicks - dicks
feelin - sentindo
about - sobre
description - descrição
history - história
breathe - respirar
bring - trazer
breed - procriar
little - pequeno
catch - pegar
haters - odiadores

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