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Try this.
I bet you've never
had hot chocolate
made from a 2,000-year-old recipe.
Thank you, but no. Luc.
What's this?
- What do you see, madame, in this?
- Sorry?
What does it look like to you?
Just say the first thing
that comes into your mind.
A woman riding a wild horse?
Oh, silly answer.
Oh, no. There are no silly answers.
The pepper triangle, that's for you.
A tiny hint of chili pepper
to play against the sweetness.
Tangy, adventurous.
What do you see?
I see teeth.
I see blood...
and a skull.
Very dark. Bitter chocolate.
That's your favorite.
Which will have to wait 5 weeks more.
Lent. Thank you.
We must run along. It's been
nice to meet you.
My pleasure.
Pantoufle, come on! Pirate attack!
How much are those chili things, please?
4.50 a box.
Could you put a ribbon on it?
Then I can pretend they
are from my husband.
Of course.
Josephine Muscat. She
waltzes to her own tune.
And these are for your husband
Unrefined cocoa nibs from
Guatemala. To awaken the passions.
You've obviously never met my husband.
You've obviously never tried these.
unrefined - não refinado
waltzes - valsas
tried - tentou
triangle - triângulo
please - por favor
ribbon - fita
could - poderia
comes - vem
favorite - favorito
pirate - pirata
thank - obrigado
cocoa - cacau
adventurous - aventureiro
sorry - desculpa
weeks - semanas
chocolate - chocolate
answer - responda
skull - crânio
sweetness - doçura
first - primeiro
which - qual
against - contra
josephine - josephine
answers - responde
madame - madame
woman - Mulher
riding - equitação
tangy - tangy
muscat - muscat
awaken - despertar
attack - ataque
bitter - amargo
blood - sangue
along - ao longo
never - nunca
these - estes
obviously - obviamente
those - essa
recipe - receita
horse - cavalo
husband - marido
pantoufle - Pantoufle
guatemala - Guatemala
chili - pimenta
pepper - Pimenta
there - há
teeth - dentes
passions - paixões
pleasure - prazer
pretend - faz de conta
silly - boba
thing - coisa
course - curso
things - coisas
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