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Hand over the milk money, Weaver.
I'm afraid,
I can't do that, Derek.
I'm just not sure
you'll spend it on milk.
That's me, Mitch Weaver.
That's Sam, my lifelong best friend.
I never had a dad growing up,
so Sam's dad Pops tried to fill in a little.
He was a boxer,
real tough guy.
One thing to remember
in life, no matter where you go
no matter what you do....
don't take no crap from nobody.
I never liked the guy,
but he was right about not taking crap.
Wow! My dad sure is great.
Hey, do you know where
he hides his guns?
Don't worry.
We just planted the guns in the bully's desk
so he'd get in trouble.
It wasn't me!
Let me go!
They weren't mine!
We always did stuff like that,
get back at people who messed with us.
Like there was this crossing guard
used to grab all the kids' asses.
Back then people weren't on
the lookout for that kind of thing.
The only way to nail a guy like that
was to catch him red-handed.
That's where the Super Glue came in.
Hey, look, everybody! Crossing guard's
grabbing 8-year-old's ass over here!
And we really got back at
this ornery baby-sitter we didn't like.
After all these years,
this picture still makes me horny.
I mean, wistful!
It makes me wistful.
When I was 16,
the saddest event of my life occurred.
My mom died.
Everyone did their best to console me,
particularly Aunt Jenny.
It wasn't easy, because
I'm not comfortable expressing my...
What do you call them? Emotions?
Anyways, I learned to express myself
in other ways.
I started making little notes to myself.
Note to self.
Remember, Aunt Jenny is your aunt.
Then there was this character
we had to deal with.
She thought just because she was
a meter maid...
that she had the right to go around
giving everybody parking tickets.
That's where the popcorn
came in handy.
In high school, I still didn't take crap
from anyone, man or beast.
But this Doberman would always chase us.
So we borrowed my cousin's
huge German shepherd...
who also happens to be gay.
Taught that Doberman some humility.
worry - preocupação
weaver - tecelão
tried - tentou
thought - pensamento
thing - coisa
taught - ensinado
stuff - coisa
still - ainda
sitter - babá
wistful - melancólico
shepherd - pastor
tough - resistente
there - há
school - escola
remember - lembrar
popcorn - pipoca
planted - plantado
started - começado
people - pessoas
where - onde
particularly - particularmente
parking - estacionamento
notes - notas
would - seria
nobody - ninguém
money - dinheiro
mitch - Mitch
messed - bagunçado
matter - importam
ornery - ornery
occurred - ocorreu
making - fazer
emotions - emoções
spend - gastar
comfortable - confortável
trouble - problema
catch - pegar
taking - levando
beast - fera
anyways - de qualquer maneira
borrowed - emprestado
doberman - doberman
boxer - boxer
hides - esconde
right - certo
crossing - cruzando
other - de outros
event - evento
about - sobre
meter - metro
asses - burro
their - deles
saddest - mais triste
anyone - alguém
growing - crescendo
horny - horny
never - nunca
afraid - receoso
console - console
really - realmente
everyone - todos
giving - dando
chase - correr atrás
liked - gostei
after - depois de
tickets - ingressos
these - estes
derek - derek
picture - cenário
character - personagem
great - ótimo
years - anos
jenny - jenny
around - por aí
learned - aprendido
myself - eu mesmo
because - porque
everybody - todo mundo
express - expressar
expressing - expressando
friend - amigos
always - sempre
grabbing - agarrando
handed - entregue
super - super
makes - faz com que
handy - acessível
happens - acontece
guard - guarda
humility - humildade
lifelong - vitalício
little - pequeno
german - alemão
lookout - tenha cuidado
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