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Hitman - A Gut Bomb (Pt)

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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    Rumor has it that he works for a group
    known only as "The Organization."

    So secret, no one knows it exists.

    It takes no sides,
    yet it has ties to every government.

    Its sole purpose is the training and
    conditioning of professional killers.

    These men are selected at
    birth, rejects, orphans.

    All of them unwanted
    and disposable.

    They are made experts
    in every aspect of combat

    and programmed for one
    purpose - to kill.

    The man you have been chasing
    for the last three years, Inspector...

    is the very best of them.

    Put him there.

    You shouldn't have stolen from me, Brother.
    Now you must pay.

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