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Marley, sit.
This, class, is a classic example of a dog...
who has foolishly been
allowed to believe...
he is the alpha male of the pack...
and therefore, he can never be a happy animal.
Yeah. He looks pretty miserable.
You, joker, rotate in.
And lose the sunglasses.
Dog likes to be
looked at in the eye.
I got it.
- Okay.
- Okay. You got him?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
So. Collar your dogs.
All right, dogs on the left.
On the count of three.
One, two, three. Let's go.
Very nice. Very good.
- Hey!
- Correct him!
- Whoa!
- Rein in that dog.
All right. All right, class.
Come on. Let's line up again.
Class, it's a simple question of having
confidence in your own authority.
I shall now demonstrate a simple walk.
All right?
Mr. Grogan?
- Sorry.
- May I?
All right, even an unruly dog
likes to obey his leader.
Marley, heel.
Marley. Marley!
Marley! Marley!
Careful. Marley, no! Marley!
He is out.
Sorry. Usually he does this with poodles.
That dog is a bad influence on the others.
Now, leg humping is like a virus.
Once it takes hold of the group - No.
- Okay.
- He has got to go.
virus - vírus
usually - geralmente
sunglasses - oculos de sol
sorry - desculpa
poodles - caniches
never - nunca
miserable - miserável
three - três
marley - marley
looks - parece
pretty - bonita
looked - olhou
likes - gosta
takes - leva
leader - líder
joker - palhaço
collar - colarinho
classic - clássico
believe - acreditam
careful - cuidado
others - outras
class - classe
having - tendo
authority - autoridade
example - exemplo
question - questão
again - novamente
rotate - rodar
group - grupo
unruly - indisciplinado
allowed - permitido
simple - simples
right - certo
alpha - alfa
demonstrate - demonstrar
shall - deve
correct - um lugar para outro
therefore - assim sendo
confidence - confiança
humping - humping
happy - feliz
count - contagem
animal - animal
foolishly - tolo
influence - influência
grogan - grogan
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