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- Look. It's a banana.
- Move over.
It's a banana.
Yum yum.
Finding a Boss was easy.
But keeping a Boss...
therein lies the problem
it wasn't easy for these guys.
But they never gave up.
With the emergence of the stone age
came the rise of a new species.
Man was very different
from the dinosaur.
He was shorter, hairier
and way, way smarter.
The minions took an instant liking to Man
and helped him as best they could.
Poor man.
So trusting, so fragile, so-so delicious.
Their quest for a boss put the minions front and center
for some of the civilization most historic moments.
Ancient Egypt held great promise.
But it didn't last long.
The dark ages
were actually fun times.
Their new master had a tendency
to party all night and sleep all day.
But eventually the party is over.
They bounce from
one evil master to another.
But they never seemed
to find their perfect fit.
times - vezes
species - espécies
smarter - mais esperto
shorter - mais curta
seemed - parecia
promise - promessa
problem - problema
party - festa
night - noite
these - estes
never - nunca
moments - momentos
minions - minions
sleep - dormir
master - mestre
tendency - tendência
liking - gosto
civilization - civilização
trusting - confiante
ancient - antigo
bounce - pulo
center - centro
egypt - egito
emergence - emergência
perfect - perfeito
fragile - frágil
stone - pedra
another - outro
therein - lá no
quest - busca
actually - na realidade
banana - banana
hairier - maior
delicious - delicioso
dinosaur - dinossauro
their - deles
eventually - eventualmente
different - diferente
front - frente
finding - encontrando
great - ótimo
helped - ajudou
keeping - guardando
historic - histórico
could - poderia
instant - instante
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