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North Country - A Class Action (Pt)

Cena do filme Terra Fria
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    Categoria: Animation
    script de vídeo
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    It takes a village
    to do what's being done here.

    I'm not saying all of them.

    But enough of them.

    In the plant, out in the pit,
    and even up in the offices...

    ...all with the foot on the throat
    of every woman in that mine.

    So, it's not just my client who needs
    relief from this court, Your Honor.

    We are asking for an injunction
    to protect all the women.

    Further, we ask the court
    to certify a class.

    A class made up of every woman
    working at Pearson...

    ...because every one of them
    deserves protection under the law.

    Doesn't a class actually require
    more than one plaintiff?

    This complaint was filed
    on behalf of one Josey Aimes.

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