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Ocean's Thirteen - Rusty the Scientist (Pt)

Cena do filme Ocean's Thirteen
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    That's a five point six.

    If you don't think a five point
    six is possible, or even likely...

    then quite frankly, you don't know much
    about the Billups-Mancini Report

    ...specifically the section
    on the Mojave Block.

    I know what you're hoping: that it'll just
    be a blind thrust fault.

    See that? That's Rusty. See Rusty?

    He's doing an Irwin Allen. See that?

    He's not deaf, Linus.

    - Bottom-line me here.
    - Close your hotel, permanently.

    What? We haven't
    even opened yet.

    What are all those
    people downstairs?

    - A soft open.
    - It's like an out-of-town preview.

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