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You sung tenor in
Jesus Is My Shepherd, right?
How did you pick me out?
I... I hear like you see.
Like that hummingbird
outside the window, for instance.
I can't hear her.
You have to listen.
Yes, you can.
- You hear that?
- What?
Her heart just
skipped a beat.
Oh, did you like my record?
The one that King Bee
was playin'?
It was very nice.
Different than the others.
I've heard
a lot of your music.
Was it very nice, too?
Look, Miss Antwine, if you
don't really like the record,
you ain't got to
beat around the bush with me.
I mean, my mama never did.
It's not that I don't
enjoy your music.
It's just that I feel
I've heard it before.
I keep wondering
what the real Ray Charles sound like.
Ray Charles? Who's he?
if you don't know.
Sorry. I should have
kept my mouth shut.
Oh, no, no.
Then you wouldn't be you.
You know, it's not
like I haven't heard that before.
I guess I just, uh, never
really listened, that's all.
Ain't nobody ever put
it that sweet, I guess.
sweet - doce
sound - som
tenor - tenor
sorry - desculpa
skipped - ignorado
should - devemos
shepherd - pastor
heard - ouviu
enjoy - apreciar
right - certo
hummingbird - beija flor
jesus - Jesus
wondering - perguntando
heart - coração
record - registro
guess - acho
window - janela
before - antes
charles - charles
actually - na realidade
nobody - ninguém
really - realmente
antwine - Antwine
different - diferente
others - outras
around - por aí
listened - ouvido
instance - instância
outside - lado de fora
listen - ouço
mouth - boca
music - música
never - nunca
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