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Começar a aprender
dear love...
Do not swear.
Although l joy in thee, I have no
joy in this contract tonight.
It is too rash, too unadvised,
too sudden, too like the lightning,
which doth cease to be
ere one can say "It lightens".
Sweet, good night!
This bud of love
by summer's ripening breath, may prove
a beauteous flower when next we meet.
Good night. Good night!
O wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?
The exchange of thy love's
faithful vow for mine.
I gave thee mine before thou didst request it!
Three words, dear Romeo,
and good night indeed.
If that thy bent of love be honourable,
thy purpose marriage,
send me word tomorrow, by one
that I'll procure to come to thee, where
and what time thou wilt
perform the rite,
and all my fortunes at
thy foot I'll lay
and follow thee, my lord,
throughout the world.
Ay! By and by, I come!
But if thou meanest not well,
I do beseech thee...
By and by, I come!
..to cease thy strife,
and leave me to my grief.
- Tomorrow will I send.
- So thrive my soul.
A thousand times good night.
A thousand times the worse,
to want thy light!
Juliet! Julieta!
worse - pior
which - qual
where - onde
julieta - julieta
canst - canst
marriage - casamento
juliet - julieta
grief - tristeza
satisfaction - satisfação
tomorrow - amanhã
fortunes - fortunas
world - mundo
ripening - amadurecimento
words - palavras
flower - flor
beseech - suplicante
indeed - de fato
unadvised - despreocupado
before - antes
thousand - mil
beauteous - belos
lightning - relâmpago
although - apesar
exchange - troca
light - luz
cease - cessar
meanest - mais ruim
breath - respiração
didst - didst
contract - contrato
lightens - ilumina
honourable - honroso
night - noite
unsatisfied - insatisfeito
procure - procurar
sudden - de repente
follow - segue
sweet - doce
prove - provar
leave - sair
purpose - propósito
romeo - romeo
request - pedido
strife - conflito
swear - jurar
perform - executar
three - três
faithful - fiel
thrive - prosperar
throughout - ao longo
times - vezes
tonight - esta noite
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