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Hey, Mikey!
- Hey.
- Hey, Mike.
This is beautiful.
Welcome to the Chesterfield South.
Changing $500.
Come all the way to Atlantic City
just to see your mugs, huh?
Twice in one week.
For someone who don't play,
you spend a lot of time in card rooms.
This is what I like to see, huh?
Mike McDermott where he belongs-
Sittin' with the scumbags.
Tellin' jokes,
draggin' the occasional pot.
Occasional? Yeah, like my ex-wife
occasionally went out with other men.
Forget her, Face.
I was actually gonna try and
make some real money tonight.
But in honor of Mike's
Ali-like return to the ring...
I'll sit with you all for a while.
Hey, don't do us any favors, Knish.
They're about to go to the board
to fill these seats.
- Bet it.
- I raise.
You know, if we wanted
to take each other's rolls...
we could have just stayed home.
These two have no idea
what they're about to walk into.
Down here to have a good time,
they figure..
why not give poker a try?
After all, how different
can it be from the home games...
they've played their whole lives?
All the luck in the world
isn't gonna change things for these guys.
They're simply overmatched.
We're not playing together
but then again, we're not playing
against each other either.
It's like the Nature Channel.
You don't see piranhas eating
each other, do you?
They wear their tells
like signs around their necks.
Facial tics, nervous fingers.
A hand over a mouth.
The way a cigarette is smoked.
Little unconscious gestures that
reveal the cards in their hands.
We catch everything.
If a fish acts strong, he's bluffing.
If he acts meek, he's got a hand.
world - mundo
whole - todo
wanted - procurado
twice - duas vezes
tonight - esta noite
together - juntos
things - coisas
these - estes
while - enquanto
their - deles
welcome - bem vinda
spend - gastar
someone - alguém
smoked - defumado
unconscious - inconsciente
simply - simplesmente
signs - sinais
seats - assentos
scumbags - assustadores
tells - conta
rooms - quartos
return - retorna
raise - levantar
playing - jogando
played - reproduziu
piranhas - piranhas
overmatched - superestimado
could - poderia
fingers - dedos
chesterfield - chesterfield
mouth - boca
catch - pegar
actually - na realidade
cards - cartões
gestures - gestos
after - depois de
where - onde
beautiful - bonita
reveal - revelar
other - de outros
about - sobre
different - diferente
around - por aí
changing - mudando
again - novamente
against - contra
either - ou
favors - favores
change - mudança
rolls - rolos
atlantic - atlântico
belongs - pertence
eating - comendo
bluffing - blefar
everything - tudo
facial - facial
figure - figura
honor - honra
nervous - nervoso
lives - vidas
poker - poker
games - jogos
south - sul
gonna - vai
channel - canal
board - borda
hands - mãos
strong - forte
forget - esqueço
jokes - piadas
mcdermott - mcdermott
stayed - fiquei
mikey - mikey
cigarette - cigarro
necks - pescoço
money - dinheiro
nature - natureza
occasional - ocasional
little - pequeno
knish - knish
occasionally - ocasionalmente
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