Aprenda inglês de verdade com filmes e livros.
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Começar a aprender
We have a gift...
a very precious gift.
And... what do you do with gifts?
Do you go around giving them
to everyone you pass on the street?
No, those wouldn't be gifts.
They'd be, like, a handout.
So... what about
the most precious gift of all?
Are you gonna give that
to the first guy who buys you
a big bunch of roses?
- No way!
- No way?
I'm not just talking to the, uh, girls.
You guys... you have
the same gift to give.
Are you gonna give that
to some girl
'cause she looks like
she just stepped out of a music video?
No, you're gonna hold onto it
and share it with
the mother of your children.
Yeah, definitely.
I mean, that's
what the ring is all about.
The way it wraps around your finger,
that's to remind you
to keep your gift wrapped.
until the day...
you trade it in for that other ring...
that gold ring.
Get it?
video - vídeo
trade - comércio
those - essa
gifts - presentes
first - primeiro
about - sobre
until - até
around - por aí
talking - falando
finger - dedo
children - crianças
girls - meninas
precious - precioso
street - rua
definitely - definitivamente
stepped - pisou
bunch - grupo
wrapped - embrulhado
looks - parece
giving - dando
gonna - vai
handout - folheto
mother - mãe
music - música
wraps - envolve
remind - lembrar
other - de outros
everyone - todos
roses - rosas
share - compartilhar
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