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Us and Them - Danny's Plan (Pt)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
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    So I'm having a quiet pint thinking, "What the fuck's happened to the Bull?"

    and there's this couple sat at the table next to me...

    - So what does your dad do? - Uh, property.

    And they're on a date or something.

    'cause he's asking about her family, what they do and that.

    - Finance. - A banker.

    Christ, don't tell the locals.

    Priced out all the locals.

    And they're some real stuck-up fuckers.

    And I'm just sitting there thinking, you know, they would have been scared

    to be anywhere near the Bull a couple of years ago,

    and now, they're drinking five quid pints of stuff that I can't even pronounce

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