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That's right.
I'm Smurfwillow, leader of the Smurfs.
I'm afraid that's quite impossible, because
I happen to be the leader of the Smurfs.
Whatever you say, Papa-thing.
Excuse me, do you mind
not calling me that?
Well, if the thing fits...
By the way, where'd
you learn those moves?
- Self-taught, actually.
- Impressive.
- Thank you.
- You're quite welcome.
Okay, not really sure what's happening
here, but what about Gargamel?
What is all this talk about Garga...
Oh, I'm sorry.
Did I scare you?
- No!
- I hope so.
- Arm your...
- Everybody, run!
Prepare for Garmageddon!
This way!
Spears, now!
Gargamel says freeze!
That's right. Smurf-tested,
grade-A, first-class,
high-octane freeze balls.
Freeze ball! Freeze ball!
Freeze ball! Freeze ball!
Look out!
Well, I assume they'll still work if I don't
shout freeze ball, but we'll never know.
- Freeze ball!
- Smurfette!
- Hefty.
- It's over, Smurfette.
Monty, bag of Smurfs.
It's time for you to run.
- No!
- Three more for pickup.
My little creation.
You finally did what
you were made for.
- No. It's not true.
- Of course it is.
Why do you think you led me here?
Why do you think
you saved me on the river?
It was all part of the plan.
No matter how hard you try,
you can't escape your destiny.
And now, you're really
of no use to me anymore.
Freeze ball!
Yes, these freeze balls
only work on real Smurfs.
And you are nothing more
than a lump of clay.
Thank you for everything.
Smurfette, how could you
do this to us?
Because it was her purpose.
whatever - без разницы
three - три
those - те
think - думать
thank - спасибо
still - все еще
smurfwillow - смурфива
shout - окрик
scare - попугать
saved - сохранены
garga - Гарга
freeze - замерзать
finally - в конце концов
class - класс
excuse - оправдание
smurf - smurf
learn - учить
river - река
escape - побег
monty - Монти
welcome - добро пожаловать
spears - копья
smurfs - смурфики
destiny - судьба
tested - проверенный
creation - создание
moves - движется
could - мог
little - немного
anymore - больше не
balls - мячи
assume - предполагать
leader - лидер
actually - на самом деле
happen - случаться
hefty - здоровенный
first - первый
really - действительно
everybody - все
course - курс
pickup - подбирать
calling - призвание
about - около
gargamel - Gargamel
approved - утвержденный
sorry - прости
garmageddon - garmageddon
grade - класс
impossible - невозможно
these - эти
impressive - впечатляющий
matter - дело
afraid - боюсь
never - никогда
purpose - цель
thing - вещь
nothing - ничего
octane - октан
everything - все
because - потому как
prepare - подготовить
taught - учил
happening - происходит
quite - довольно
smurfette - smurfette
right - правильно
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