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I would take each and every one
of these Dwarves...
over an army from the Iron Hills.
For when I called upon them,
they answered.
Loyalty, honor...
a willing heart.
I can ask no more than that.
You don't have to do this.
You have a choice.
You've done honorably by our people.
You have built a new life for us
in the Blue Mountains.
A life of peace... and plenty.
A life that is worth more than
all the gold in Erebor.
From my grandfather to my father,
this has come to me.
They dreamt of the day...
when the Dwarves of Erebor
would reclaim their homeland.
There is no choice, Balin.
Not for me.
Then we are with you, laddie.
We will see it done.
Far over.
The misty mountains cold.
To dungeons deep.
And caverns old.
We must away
'Ere break of day.
To find our
Long-forgotten gold.
The pines were roaring.
On the height.
The winds were moaning.
In the night.
The fire was red.
It flaming spread.
The trees like torches.
Blazed with light
would - бы
willing - готовы
winds - ветры
trees - деревья
there - там
their - их
spread - Распространение
roaring - запал
plenty - много
pines - сосны
peace - мир
mountains - горы
light - легкий
laddie - паренек
people - люди
loyalty - лояльность
honorably - благородно
heart - сердце
torches - pochodnie
choice - выбор
height - высота
night - ночь
built - построен
these - эти
hills - холмы
grandfather - дед
dungeons - підземелля
balin - балин
called - называется
caverns - каверны
erebor - эребор
dreamt - снилось
worth - стоимость
blazed - полыхали
break - ломать
moaning - стонать
dwarves - гномы
every - каждый
answered - ответил
forgotten - забытый
father - отец
reclaim - истребовать
misty - туманный
flaming - пламенный
homeland - родина
honor - честь
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