Изучайте Настоящий Английский с помощью фильмов и книг.

Добавляйте слова и фразы для изучения, а также практикуйтесь с другими учащимися.


Как произносится слово least

  • минимальное количество
  • малейшая степень
  • наименьший
  • минимальный
  • малейший
  • незначительный
  • ничтожный
  • ограниченный
  • меньше всего
  • как минимум
  • в наименьшей степени
  • немного

Примеры из фильмов c Least

it was a good learning experience. At least for me.
Clueless - Josh Kisses Cher
It is at least a two-man job taking him alive.
True Grit - I'm a Texas Ranger
At least I don't prefer tofu to normal hamburgers.
Uptown Girls - You're Workin' For Me!
At least, until we reach civilization.
Your Highness - The Fair Isabel
At least we know we're not the biggest dorks in school.
Drillbit Taylor - Matching Shirt Geeks
I didn't realize it at that moment, at least not consciously--
Frailty - A Vision From God
They're outside most days on deliveries, so at least they're in the fresh air.
Suffragette - Maud's Testimony
then at least one of you is proof that our experiment has succeeded.
Insurgent - We're The Solution
I mean that's the least I can do for you.
Exposed - Game Over, Playboy
Can I at least get a little credit for a solid Coming to America reference?
Dear White People - Who Am I?
We can get at least 35.
Equity - Party
Well, at least you still have T and A.
The House Bunny - T and A
then you should do it with someone who can at least make you smarter.
Fifty Shades Darker - Going the Extra Mile
Well, then, at least it's a good time to shave his neck. I would get him quick.
You Don't Mess With the Zohan - Salon Mistakes
At least three others like it.
Sinister 2 - Bughuul

Аудио произношение Least

Американское произношение

Least произнесенно Ivy (Ребёнок, девочка)
Least произнесенно Joanna (девушка)
Least произнесенно Kendra (девушка)
Least произнесенно Kimberly (девушка)
Least произнесенно Salli (девушка)
Least произнесенно Joey (мужчина)
Least произнесенно Justin (Ребёнок, мальчик)
Least произнесенно Matthew (мужчина)

Британское произношение

Least произнесенно Amy (девушка)
Least произнесенно Emma (девушка)
Least произнесенно Brian (мужчина)