Out on the street, dead on my feet

At the mercy of the stone-cold night

It's hard to compete, in a dead-end street

With frustration in your line of sight

Do you ever stop and think

Do you ever stop at all

Do you have the time to feel

And if you do, do you know the feeling's real

Followed a sign that pointed the way

while - süre
until - a kadar
think - düşünmek
surprise - Sürpriz
strange - garip
still - yine
stand - durmak
right - Sağ
wields - wields
realise - gerçekleştirmek
speaks - konuşur
rained - yağdırdı
pointed - işaretlendi
start - başlama
close - kapat
chosen - seçilmiş
cloud - bulut
clear - açık
wanna - istiyorum
before - önce
broken - kırık
street - sokak
believe - inanmak
feeling - duygu
stone - taş
another - bir diğeri
followed - takip etti
compete - yarışmak
myself - kendim
found - bulunan
frustration - hüsran
sword - kılıç
guess - tahmin
mercy - merhamet
sight - görme
faith - inanç
belief - inanç
heart - kalp
hides - gizler
lucky - şanslı
tried - denenmiş
night - gece

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