Yeah, you thought that this was over
Thought you got away with murder
Watch me murder my deserters
This is congress secret service
Got your epirdermis calling
From the toxins in the water
Use the oxygen to slaughter
This is big business, baby, blood money bringing benefits
Still suffer from the ideology of Willie Lynch
Now it's all making sense, let's breed ignorance
Cause ignorance is bliss, watch the bliss make us filthy rich, bitch
I'm okay now, bring the napalm
I'll fly over and blow you away
No more sunshine, no more playgrounds
I'll fly over and blow you away now
There's no glamour, no guts, no glory
When I fly over, and blow you away
Blow you away now
The fuck can you say now?
I'm loading my napalm
The last shall be first, got dammit planet here we go
Camouflage cowboy, saddle up; rodeo
HIV, Polio, positive identity
Ashes of evil because we can't believe the trinity
Homeland Security, false is superiority
Fuck your intentions and big plans for my community
I ain't afraid to die, fuck you gon' do with that?
I'm coming to find you and wipe you off the fucking map, brrat
worry - endişelenmek
world - Dünya
working - çalışma
wither - soldurmak
thought - düşünce
these - bunlar
talking - konuşma
tagging - etiketleme
sympathize - yakınlık duymak
water - su
wanted - aranan
surprise - Sürpriz
superiority - üstünlük
sunshine - gunes isigi
suffer - acı çekmek
walking - yürüme
strike - vuruş
special - özel
slaughter - katliam
sitcom - durum komedisi
should - meli
service - hizmet
serial - seri
security - güvenlik
saddle - sele
voice - Ses
rodeo - rodeo
filthy - pis
common - Ortak
family - Aile
bring - getirmek
deserters - asker kaçağı
right - Sağ
favorite - sevdiğim
cowboy - kovboy
anger - öfke
arsonist - kundakçı
congress - kongre
still - yine
compliments - övgü
loading - yükleniyor
complete - tamamlayınız
outside - dışında
community - toplum
completely - Tamamen
chips - cips
glory - şan
ideology - ideoloji
believe - inanmak
watch - izlemek
appreciate - anlamak
average - ortalama
eventual - nihai
alive - canlı
benefits - faydaları
false - yanlış
trinity - üçlü
lights - ışıklar
camouflage - kamuflaj
business - iş
coming - gelecek
couple - çift
ignorance - cehalet
afraid - korkmuş
system - sistem
never - asla
often - sık sık
bitch - orospu
float - şamandıra
making - yapma
fence - çit
destruction - imha
inside - içeride
apocalypse - vahiy
bliss - mutluluk
blood - kan
napalm - napâlm
flowers - çiçekler
oxygen - oksijen
dammit - kahretsin
lynch - linç
dancing - dans
early - Erken
confidence - güven
steaming - buharlama
calling - çağrı
flashing - yanıp sönen
sense - duyu
friends - arkadaşlar
ashes - küller
fucking - kahrolası
breed - doğurmak
bringing - getiren
genocide - soykırım
lived - yaşamış
glamour - çekicilik
willie - willie
under - altında
crawled - sürünerek
murder - cinayet
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