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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
Your lack of judgment's put
me in an impossible position.
- Yes, sir.
- Not to mention the Navy.
Yes, sir, I know.
That punk out there believes
all three mishaps
can be attributed to some kind
of perverse cult.
Best not to talk
right now, son.
If the press got hold of this it
would tarnish the Navy irreparably.
So... I'm gonna take care of this
so we can get on to more pressing
matters and pretend this never happened.
Given that you had no
intention of setting up house
and that you do not identify
yourself in that way
or with that group,
et cetera.
Sign this affidavit indicating
it was an isolated incident.
Blackwood coerced you
into the damn place,
- That's not true!
- The facts are unimportant!
This is damage control.
I went there willingly.
We danced together.
You're a disgrace
to the uniform.
That was it, son?
No, sir.
We are warriors paid to
defend this country
not spill our guts and
frolic in the daisies!
What the hell are you doing?
Daniel, please,
just sign it.
No, sir.
Personnel will have my
letter of resignation.
- Daniel!
- Sorry, Dad.
yourself - kendin
would - olur
willingly - isteyerek
warriors - savaşçı
unimportant - önemsiz
together - Birlikte
spill - dökmek
house - ev
disgrace - rezalet
letter - mektup
personnel - personel
gonna - olacak
affidavit - beyanname
defend - savunmak
blackwood - siyah ahşap
cetera - saire
danced - dans
identify - belirlemek
tarnish - kirletmek
facts - gerçekler
daniel - Daniel
pretend - taklit
coerced - zorla
happened - olmuş
frolic - eğlence
country - ülke
matters - hususlar
incident - olay
please - lütfen
group - grup
setting - ayar
control - kontrol
doing - iş
daisies - papatyalar
mishaps - aksilikler
thing - şey
damage - hasar
intention - niyet
attributed - atfedilen
impossible - imkansız
sorry - afedersiniz
indicating - belirten
there - Orada
believes - inanır
irreparably - onarılamaz
given - verilmiş
perverse - sapık
three - üç
isolated - yalıtılmış
pressing - basma
mention - söz etmek
never - asla
place - yer
uniform - üniforma
position - pozisyon
press - basın
resignation - istifa
right - Sağ
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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