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Öğrenmeye başla
You shoot my friends?
Captain Phillips is free.
All of your friends are dead.
It's over.
You're going to America now.
You have been suspected
of piracy operations.
I am now gonna read
your rights.
You have the right to remain silent
and make no statement at all.
Any statement you do make can be
used against you in judicial proceedings.
Captain Phillips, please come in.
Have a seat.
Trauma shears.
I'm Chief O'Brien.
I'll be your corpsman today, okay?
Can you please tell me
what's going on?
Can you talk?
Can you tell me what's going on?
I'm okay.
Are you okay?
You don't look okay.
Are you in any pain right now?
Are you in any pain right now?
Right there, on your side.
Okay. Let me see it really quick.
Can you lift up your arm a little bit?
Does that hurt?
- Little bit?
- Little bit.
Is it tender?
Go ahead and put your arm down.
Okay, I need you to look at me.
I need you to calm down,
I need you to breathe. There you go.
Deep breaths.
There you go.
Very good.
Now I want you to relax your arm.
Okay, we're gonna put this
little thing on your finger
We're gonna get your heart
rate and your oxygen level,
We'll make sure you're breathing
I want you to keep
doing that, okay?
What happened to your head?
It's okay, take your time.
There's a 2-centimeter laceration
on the left eyebrow.
It's okay. It's all right.
Okay. Okay.
I want you to look
at me and I want you to breathe.
- Do you understand?
- Yeah, yeah.
Okay, all right.
He's got a 4-centimeter gap. Little
laceration there on the left temple.
Okay. Very good.
All right.
You're doing great, okay?
Did all this blood come
from your eyebrow and your head?
Did all the blood come from your
eyebrow right here and on your head?
No, not all of it.
- Okay.
- That's not mine.
Okay, all right, all right.
Look at me.
Okay. We're gonna lay you down.
- All right.
- Yeah.
I want you to lay down nice and gently.
Nice and gently.
You're okay. I got you.
There you go. Very good.
Captain, you're safe now, okay?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- You're okay.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
- Does my family know?
- Your family knows you're safe.
And you'll be able to call them
as soon as you are taken care of.
Sir, I need you
to breathe, okay?
You are safe and you are fine.
Everything's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
welcome - hoşgeldiniz
understand - anlama
today - bugün
tender - hassas
temple - tapınak
gently - nazikçe
finger - parmak
trauma - travma
going - gidiş
quick - hızlı
please - lütfen
shears - makas
chief - şef
breaths - nefesler
america - Amerika
blood - kan
friends - arkadaşlar
ahead - önde
thing - şey
awesome - müthiş
operations - operasyonlar
statement - açıklama
suspected - şüpheli
against - karşısında
doing - iş
breathe - nefes almak
eyebrow - kaş
centimeter - santimetre
level - seviye
breathing - nefes
great - harika
silent - Sessiz
corpsman - corpsman
taken - alınmış
captain - kaptan
heart - kalp
happened - olmuş
remain - kalmak
judicial - adli
knows - bilir
right - Sağ
really - gerçekten mi
laceration - yırtılma
oxygen - oksijen
phillips - phillips
piracy - korsanlık
thank - teşekkür
proceedings - kovuşturma
gonna - olacak
relax - rahatlayın
family - Aile
little - küçük
rights - haklar
there - Orada
shoot - ateş etme
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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