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Öğrenmeye başla
Long as you don't serve
chicken that way.
Tell me, what do the police say?
They're calling it an accident.
- Who's the investigating officer?
- Lou Escobar. He's a lieutenant.
- Do you know him?
- Oh, yeah.
Where from?
We used to work together.
In Chinatown.
- Would you call him a capable man?
- Very.
- Honest?
- As far as it goes.
Of course, he has to swim
in the same water we all do.
Of course, but you've no reason to think
he's bungled the case?
- None.
- That's too bad.
- Too bad?
- Hmm.
It disturbs me. Makes me think
you're taking my daughter for a ride.
Financially speaking, of course.
What are you charging her?
My usual fee,
plus a bonus if I get results.
Are you sleeping with her?
Come, come, Mr. Gitts.
You don't have to think about that
to remember, do you?
If you want an answer
to that question, Mr. Cross,
I'll put one of my men on the job.
- Good afternoon.
- Mr. Gitts...
- Gittes.
- Gittes.
You're dealing with a disturbed woman
who just lost her husband.
I don't want her taken advantage of.
- Sit down.
- What for?
You may think you know
what you're dealing with,
but believe me, you don't.
Why is that funny?
It's what the District Attorney
used to tell me in Chinatown.
Yeah? Was he right?
Exactly what do you know about me?
Sit down.
Mainly that you're rich,
and too respectable
to want your name in the newspapers.
Of course, I'm respectable. I'm old.
Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores
all get respectable
if they last long enough.
woman - kadın
whores - fahişeler
where - nerede
usual - olağan
together - Birlikte
taken - alınmış
disturbs - rahatsız ediyor
would - olur
exactly - kesinlikle
dealing - muamele
chinatown - çin mahallesi
chicken - tavuk
remember - hatırlamak
district - ilçe
daughter - kız evlat
speaking - konuşuyorum
charging - doldurma
disturbed - rahatsız
course - kurs
cross - çapraz
calling - çağrı
husband - koca
think - düşünmek
afternoon - öğleden sonra
financially - mali
taking - alma
police - Polis
believe - inanmak
accident - kaza
capable - yetenekli
about - hakkında
attorney - avukat
answer - cevap
bonus - bonus
serve - servis
bungled - bungled
enough - yeterli
lieutenant - teğmen
results - sonuçlar
escobar - escobar
buildings - binalar
mainly - ağırlıklı olarak
funny - komik
right - Sağ
gittes - Gittes
honest - Dürüst
advantage - avantaj
question - soru
water - su
investigating - soruşturma
makes - markaları
newspapers - gazeteler
officer - subay
politicians - siyasetçiler
sleeping - uyuyor
reason - neden
respectable - saygın
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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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