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Öğrenmek ve diğer öğrencilerle alıştırma için kelime veya kalıp ekleyin.
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Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
Starting today, you will play
like winners, act like winners,
and most importantly,
you will be winners.
If you listen and learn,
you'll win basketball games.
And, gentlemen, winning in here
is the key to winning out there.
This contract states that you will
maintain a 2.3 grade point average.
You will attend all your classes
and you will sit in the front row
of those classes.
- Yo, this a country-ass nigga, dog.
- Excuse me.
- Did you say something, sir?
- Worm was wondering,
are you some country church nigga,
with your tie on and all that?
- Right.
- That's what you wanna say, right?
And what is your name, sir?
I'm Timo Cruz, sir.
Well, Mr. Cruz and Mr. Worm,
what you should both know
is we treat ourselves with respect.
We don't use the word "nigga. "
Are you some preacher man
or some shit?
Because God ain't gonna do you
no good in this neighborhood.
- I live in this neighborhood, sir.
- Sir.
Can you believe
this uppity Negro, sir?
Okay, Mr. Cruz...
- Leave the gym right now.
- For what?
I'll ask you one last time
to leave the gym
- before I help you leave.
- Before you what?
Do you even know who I am?
From what I can see, a very confused
and scared young man.
Scared of who? Scared of you?
I'm supposed to be scared of you?
Nigga, I ain't scared of nobody.
I will lay your ass out.
I don't think so.
All right.
What you doing? Get off me!
Teachers ain't supposed
to touch students.
I'm not a teacher.
I'm your new basketball coach.
This ain't over!
wondering - merak ediyor
young - genç
winning - kazanan
wanna - istiyorum
uppity - kibirli
treat - tedavi etmek
touch - dokunma
students - öğrencilerin
grade - sınıf
scared - korkmuş
gonna - olacak
gentlemen - beyler
winners - Kazananlar
front - Ön
contract - sözleşme
leave - ayrılmak
importantly - önemlisi
excuse - bahane
starting - Başlangıç
something - bir şey
think - düşünmek
country - ülke
classes - sınıflar
church - kilise
learn - öğrenmek
listen - dinlemek
doing - iş
today - bugün
believe - inanmak
average - ortalama
confused - şaşkın
coach - koç
those - bu
because - Çünkü
maintain - sürdürmek
neighborhood - komşuluk
games - oyunlar
nigga - zenci
teachers - öğretmenler
nobody - kimse
basketball - basketbol
ourselves - Kendimizi
preacher - vaiz
point - puan
respect - saygı
right - Sağ
should - meli
attend - katılmak
teacher - öğretmen
negro - zenci
supposed - sözde
before - önce
states - devletler
there - Orada
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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