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Öğrenmeye başla
You've tested positive for HIV.
Which is the virus
that causes AIDS.
You fuck... fucking kidding me?
Telling me that fucking Rock
cock sucking Hudson bullshit?
Mr. Woodroof, have you ever
used intravenous drugs?
Have you ever engaged
in homosexual conduct?
Homo? Did you say homo?
Shit, you fucking kidding me?
I ain't no faggot,
I don't even know
no fucking faggots.
Look at me.
What d'you see, huh?
The goddamn rodeo's
what you see!
- Mr. Woodroof.
- A'ight, so fucking watch it.
Mr. Woodroof,
could you just...
No, I can't do shit, you speak
fucking English, motherfucker.
Call me a motherfucking faggot.
I'll whip your fucking ass, boy.
T-cell count
is down to nine.
A healthy person has
between 500 and 1,500.
So frankly, we're surprised
you're even alive.
Surprise is, you made
a fucking mistake.
Must have mixed up my blood samples
with some daisy puller or something,
'cause that shit ain't me.
We ran the blood test
several times.
Here's some information
about HIV and AIDS
you might find informative,
and these are your test results.
Mr. Woodroof, if you could
listen to me for a moment.
I know this can be
a very scary thing,
I know you're probably feeling
overwhelmed right now,
but we would like to do this to impress upon
you the gravity of your situation.
Based on your health
based on your condition, based on all
the evidence we have,
we estimate you have 30 days left
to put your affairs in order.
Thirty day?
I'm sorry.
Fuck this.
This is shit.
Fucking 30 day motherfuckers. Let
me give y'all a little newsflash.
Ain't nothing out there that
can kill Ron Woodroof in 30 days.
would - olur
which - hangi
virus - virüs
thirty - otuz
these - bunlar
surprise - Sürpriz
speak - konuşmak
watch - izlemek
something - bir şey
situation - durum
several - Birkaç
there - Orada
scary - korkutucu
samples - örnekler
probably - muhtemelen
positive - pozitif
person - kişi
overwhelmed - boğulmuş
frankly - açıkçası
evidence - kanıt
drugs - ilaçlar
engaged - nişanlı
could - could
little - küçük
mistake - hata
daisy - papatya
information - bilgi
about - hakkında
count - saymak
between - arasında
faggots - ibneler
affairs - işler
right - Sağ
feeling - duygu
newsflash - flaş haber
blood - kan
faggot - ibne
tested - test edilmiş
alive - canlı
bullshit - saçmalık
sorry - afedersiniz
causes - nedenleri
motherfucking - orospu
english - ingilizce
condition - şart
conduct - davranış
estimate - tahmin
fucking - kahrolası
times - zamanlar
sucking - emme
goddamn - lanet olası
gravity - yerçekimi
health - sağlık
healthy - Sağlıklı
based - merkezli
hudson - hudson
homosexual - homoseksüel
moment - an
results - sonuçlar
impress - etkilemek
surprised - şaşırmış
intravenous - damar içi
thing - şey
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
informative - bilgi verici
telling - söylüyorum
kidding - dalga geçmek
woodroof - woodroof
motherfuckers - orospu
puller - çektirmenin
listen - dinlemek
might - belki
mixed - karışık
motherfucker - çocuğu
order - sipariş
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