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- Do I make you sad?
- What?
No, not at all.
Not at all. Why?
Do I seem sad?
What... Why would you think
you make me sad?
I... I don't know,
it's just...
Sometimes, you know, I think
that when I'm older, you know,
maybe I'll have a daughter of
my own or something, and...
I feel like, you know,
if she was like me...
Then being her mom would
make me sad all the time.
I... Because, like, you know, I'd
love her because she's my daughter,
you know, but...
I don't know, I just...
...think if she turned out like me that
being her mom would make me really sad.
You're wrong.
Kayla... Kayla,
hey, look at me.
Look at me. You're wrong.
If you grow up to have a daughter like
you, she will make you so, so happy.
Being your dad makes me
so happy, Kayla.
You don't know. You don't know
how happy you make me.
It's beyond... It's... I can't
describe it. It's, um...
It's so easy to love you.
It's so easy
to be proud of you.
I'm not just saying this.
Hey, I swear to God,
I'm not just saying this.
I mean, sure,
sometimes, if I see you're upset or
having a... a rough day, then I feel sad.
That kind of being sad,
that sort of
day-to-day sad, or worrying
that I do, that's not...
Kayla, always, beneath all that, I
am always just so unbelievably happy
that I get to be your dad.
When Mom left,
I was really scared.
I was really,
really scared. I...
I was scared you weren't
gonna be okay.
And then you started
to get older.
And you got...
I don't know. You took your first
steps, and you said your firsts words,
and you made
your first friend.
All the things I thought I was
going to have to teach you.
How to be nice, how to share, how to
care about other people's feelings.
You just started doing that
on your own.
You know, your teachers
would always say to me,
"You've got
such a lovely daughter".
"You've done
such a great job with her".
But I didn't do anything.
I really didn't.
I really didn't. I just
watched you.
And the more I watched you,
the less scared I got.
Does that make sense?
I stopped being scared about
whether you were going to be okay
a long time ago.
Do you know why?
Because of you.
You make me brave.
And if you could just see yourself how
I see you, which is how you are...
How you really are,
how you always have been,
I swear to God,
you wouldn't be scared either.
yourself - kendin
wrong - Yanlış
would - olur
whether - olup olmadığını
upset - üzgün
turned - dönük
first - ilk
describe - tanımlamak
gonna - olacak
going - gidiş
beyond - ötesinde
friend - arkadaş
maybe - olabilir
because - Çünkü
either - ya
unbelievably - inanılmaz
older - daha eski
watched - izledi
really - gerçekten mi
scared - korkmuş
swear - yemin etmek
firsts - ilkler
doing - iş
feelings - duygular
always - Her zaman
makes - markaları
could - could
happy - mutlu
beneath - altında
brave - cesur
rough - kaba
anything - her şey
being - olmak
daughter - kız evlat
worrying - endişe verici
something - bir şey
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
kayla -
great - harika
lovely - güzel
about - hakkında
other - diğer
having - sahip olan
proud - gururlu
saying - söz
teachers - öğretmenler
sense - duyu
words - kelimeler
share - pay
sometimes - ara sıra
things - eşyalar
started - başladı
teach - öğretmek
stopped - durduruldu
steps - adımlar
thought - düşünce
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