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Öğrenmeye başla
Hey. Uh, I'm here about
the receptionist job.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Is this a big ol' robot?
- What?
The receptionist job that was in the paper.
You're hired.
Okay, I... God, you're all sweaty.
I think I got it that
"If there's something strange in the..."
Kevin. Right?
Abby. We spoke on the phone.
- Okay.
- Kevin. Oh.
That's a manly name.
My name's Erin. With an "E."
For "everything you want."
Okay. Well, we should probably...
Should probably get started.
Erin? Do you want to join us?
Yes. Erin.
I've got some questions.
Let me just get to my notes.
All right, first off, I just want to say...
You know, we should probably start
with a very important question that...
we're asking all of the applicants.
You know,
are you seeing anyone right now?
- Seeing anyone?
- Yeah.
- Just for business purposes.
- Business purposes only.
Well, I'm seeing all three of you.
In front of me.
Oh, just forget she
even asked, because
if she did, that would
be illegal, so...
Jillian Holtzmann, Radio Times.
What have you been doing
with your whole life?
Great question.
Oh, well... lots of different jobs.
I did the... did the "actor thing."
Just real quick.
Can I ask why no... no glass?
They just kept getting dirty,
so I took them out.
I got to try to keep that in mind.
Would it be okay if I bring Mike Hat
to work sometimes?
He has major anxiety problems.
You know what? I, I would love
to let your cat live here with you,
but I have a pretty severe cat allergy.
No, I don't have a cat.
He's a dog. His name is Mike Hat.
Your dog's name is My Cat?
Mike Hat.
Your dog's name is Mike, last name Hat?
Well, his full name is Michael Hat.
I can't say that I'm
allergic to dogs, so...
He lives with my mum.
Well, then we have that figured out.
One down. No cat.
But you know what I say,
let's jump ahead
Kevin dabbles in web design.
And I asked him to throw together
maybe a couple of logos for us.
- Pull it out.
- Oh.
You're like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Here we go.
Okay, so...
What do you think of that?
Yeah, you do see how this
might make us look bad, right?
Is it the boobs you don't like?
'Cause I can make them bigger.
No, I can see them.
You know what? I think
it's not always about the end result.
It's about the journey.
would - olur
whole - bütün
together - Birlikte
throw - atmak
started - başladı
spoke - konuştu
sometimes - ara sıra
something - bir şey
waiting - bekleme
should - meli
thing - şey
severe - şiddetli
seeing - görme
robot - robot
right - Sağ
receptionist - resepsiyonist
quick - hızlı
problems - sorunlar
probably - muhtemelen
phone - telefon
paper - kâğıt
doing - iş
dirty - kirli
forget - unutmak
design - dizayn
happen - olmak
question - soru
jillian - jillian
actor - aktör
bring - getirmek
pretty - güzel
journey - seyahat
questions - sorular
bigger - daha büyük
great - harika
glass - bardak
business - iş
getting - alma
anxiety - kaygı
about - hakkında
asking - sormak
major - majör
ahead - önde
radio - radyo
first - ilk
three - üç
anyone - kimse
notes - notlar
couple - çift
lives - hayatları
important - önemli
always - Her zaman
times - zamanlar
dabbles - uğraşıyormuş
different - farklı
front - Ön
start - başlama
asked - diye sordu
michael - michael
purposes - amaçlar
because - Çünkü
applicants - başvuru sahipleri
everything - her şey
think - düşünmek
figured - anladım
hired - kiralanmış
allergic - alerjik
holtzmann - Holtzmann
logos - logolar
result - Sonuç
illegal - yasadışı
allergy - alerji
lawsuit - dava
sweaty - terli
strange - garip
manly - erkekçe
boobs - göğüsler
kevin - kevin
maybe - olabilir
might - belki
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