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Can it be possible that...?
Can what be possible, Rhett?
That you've grown a woman's heart?
A real woman's heart.
I have, Rhett. I know I have.
You know, it's worth being in jail
just to hear you say that.
It's well worth it.
You can drop the moonlight
and magnolia, Scarlett.
So things have been going
well at Tara, have they?
What have you been doing
with your hands?
I went riding last week without my gloves.
- These don't belong to a lady.
You've been working with them
like a field hand!
Why did you lie to me,
and what are you really up to?
- In another minute, I'd almost
believe you cared of something.
But I do care!
Suppose we get down to the truth.
You want something from me
and you want it badly enough to
put on quite a show in your velvets.
What is it? Money?
I want $300 to pay the taxes on Tara.
Oh, Rhett, I did lie to you when I said
everything was all right.
Things are just as bad as they possibly
could be. And you've got millions, Rhett.
What collateral are you offering?
- My earbobs.
- Not interested.
- Mortgage on Tara.
- What would I do with a farm?
You wouldn't lose. I'd pay you
back out of next year's cotton.
Not good enough.
Have you nothing better?
You once said you loved me.
If you still love me, Rhett...
You haven't forgotten
that I'm not a marrying man?
No, I haven't forgotten.
You're not worth $300.
You'll never mean anything
but misery to any man.
Go on, insult me. I don't care what you
say, only give me the money.
I won't let Tara go! I can't let it go
while there's a breath left in my body.
Oh, Rhett, won't you please
give me the money?
I couldn't give you
the money if I wanted to.
My funds are in Liverpool,
not Atlanta.
If I tried drawing a draft, the Yankees'd
be on me like a duck on a June bug.
So you see, my dear,
you've abased yourself to no purpose.
Here, here. Stop it! You want
the Yankees to see you like this?
Take your hands off
me, you skunk!
You knew what I was going
to say before I started.
You knew you wouldn't lend me
the money and yet you let me go on!
I enjoyed hearing
what you had to say. Cheer up.
You can come to my hanging
and I'll remember you in my will.
I'll come to your hanging!
The only thing I'm afraid of
is that they won't hang you in
time to pay the taxes on Tara.
yourself - kendin
yankees - yankiler
would - olur
without - olmadan
velvets - kadifeler
truth - hakikat
these - bunlar
taxes - vergileri
suppose - varsaymak
still - yine
things - eşyalar
started - başladı
something - bir şey
skunk - kokarca
scarlett - scarlett
riding - binme
remember - hatırlamak
quite - oldukça
purpose - amaç
possible - mümkün
please - lütfen
tried - denenmiş
drawing - çizim
working - çalışma
could - could
misery - sefalet
cheer - tezahürat
breath - nefes
belong - ait
cotton - pamuk
rhett - Rhett
another - bir diğeri
cared - bakım
never - asla
afraid - korkmuş
funds - para
liverpool - Liverpool
almost - neredeyse
right - Sağ
abased - aşağılanmış
while - süre
atlanta - atlanta
thing - şey
offering - teklif
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
being - olmak
mortgage - ipotek
better - Daha iyi
before - önce
worth - değer
doing - iş
anything - her şey
money - para
possibly - belki
believe - inanmak
enjoyed - zevk
enough - yeterli
interested - ilgili
marrying - evlenerek
badly - kötü
forgotten - unutulmuş
hands - eller
gloves - eldiven
really - gerçekten mi
hearing - işitme
wanted - aranan
going - gidiş
field - alan
hanging - asılı
heart - kalp
grown - yetişkin
loved - sevilen
draft - taslak
collateral - yan
insult - hakaret
millions - milyonlarca
magnolia - pólen
minute - dakika
everything - her şey
moonlight - ay ışığı
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