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Öğrenmeye başla
563 miles from here is a little
town called Silver City, New Mexico.
- Gold rush.
- Quite right, Nick.
Yes, they struck gold there
in 1860.
It was the second largest
gold rush in American history.
Very good, Nick. I think
Nick should be our captain.
In downtown Silver City,
there's a train station.
Can't miss it. As you go in the front
door, there's some lockers on the right.
Mr. Grisham,
do you have the keys?
Six identical keys.
They all open the same locker.
That's locker 001.
Inside the locker is a red duffel bag.
Inside the red duffel bag...
is two million dollars.
In cash, fifties and hundreds,
makes a pile about so big.
First one there
keeps it all.
I've put little transmitting
devices in your key rings
so that I
can keep track of you
That's it. Go.
You just can't pick people
at random.
I can do anything I like,
Owen. I'm eccentric.
Wait, wait.
So, it's like a race?
A race. It's a race.
I hope I win.
What are the rules?
There's only one rule.
Are you ready? Here it is.
There are no rules. Go.
So now when you say, "Go,"
you mean just go?
Begin, commence,
start moving.
Theoretically, you have been
racing for about 40 seconds.
So far,
Mr. Schaffer is winning,
because he's nearest
to the door.
winning - kazanan
train - Tren
track - iz
think - düşünmek
theoretically - teorik olarak
transmitting - verici
keeps - tutar
little - küçük
people - insanlar
random - rasgele
largest - en büyük
struck - vurdu
about - hakkında
fifties - elliler
first - ilk
duffel - spor kıyafeti
downtown - şehir merkezinde
eccentric - eksantrik
right - Sağ
because - Çünkü
rings - halkalar
devices - cihazlar
american - Amerikan
captain - kaptan
identical - özdeş
schaffer -
anything - her şey
commence - başlamak
inside - içeride
begin - başla
history - tarih
front - Ön
called - denilen
hundreds - yüzlerce
start - başlama
dollars - dolar
makes - markaları
there - Orada
mexico - Meksika
miles - mil
million - milyon
station - istasyon
quite - oldukça
racing - yarış
moving - hareketli
lockers - dolap
seconds - saniye
ready - hazır
rules - kurallar
locker - kilitli dolap
second - ikinci
nearest - En yakın
should - meli
silver - Gümüş
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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