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Marsha Swan's tabby cat,
Spaghetti, is on the mend
and expected to
make a full recovery.
Yay, Spaghetti!
My daughter, Beth,
was so worried about Spaghetti.
Thank goodness she's
back on her feet.
Funny fact about Spaghetti,
she hates spaghetti.
You seem fucking
crazy to me.
Excuse me?
Cute as a daisy to me.
Okay, now,
not to sound too kookie,
but let's talk
"cookie" sales, that is.
Okay, so this year,
we came in with 21,000 dollars.
Pretty good job, big bucks.
But Detroit is still in the lead
for the year with 189,000 dollars.
Can I just ask you, are these numbers
you're talking about just cookie sales?
And, if so, how many troupes
are we talking about here?
There are 3.2 million
Dandelions all over the world
blown across the earth,
making a difference.
Is this global?
Wait, I recognize you.
You're Michelle Darnell.
Please, don't make a fuss.
Oh, I'm gonna
make a fuss.
You're a convicted felon sitting
in a room full of children.
You're a criminal.
It was white-collar crime.
Okay, you don't
have to defend me.
You're such
a loser.
I'm sorry,
what did he say?
Excuse me. Hi.
I gotta ask you.
Now are we talking part-time
or full-time employees here?
Nope, just happy volunteers.
For your information,
She seems great.
The Dandelions helps girls
build leadership skills.
It looks good on their
high-school transcript
and they are bettering
their community,
which is more than
I can say for you.
What is your name?
Helen Kreagan.
Oh, you know what? I think you
dropped something right here.
You go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself.
I don't think you know
who you're talking to.
I think I do.
And I think I want you to fuck off.
Oh, my gosh!
Can we just take a minute and
give congrats to Sarah, here?
Thank you.
It's Sandy. It's Sandy.
Whatever, either one.
I gotta know how much
are you selling these boxes for?
- Girls.
- Seven dollars.
Seven dollars?
Ka-ching, right?
I got a guy in Shanghai who can make
this same box of cookies, 19 cents.
This is an official meeting
and you're interrupting it.
Let's take a poll,
show of hands.
Who finds Helen
to be a bummer?
Lots of hands.
Oh, Helen.
Do something, Mom.
I object to parolees
attending our meetings
and I'd like to put
that in the minutes.
May I?
Let me just handle this.
Another great point
by Helen.
You know what, Helen?
If you don't get
off my fucking back,
I'm gonna shove a box of chocolate
clusters up that tight ass of yours.
I would love
to go to lunch.
You're on. You got yourself a date.
That sounds terrific.
yourself - kendin
yours - seninki
world - Dünya
whatever - her neyse
troupes - toplulukları
transcript - transcript
think - düşünmek
these - bunlar
there - Orada
thank - teşekkür
talking - konuşma
tight - sıkı
still - yine
global - global
defend - savunmak
girls - kızlar
parolees - şartlı tahliye
fucking - kahrolası
darnell - darnell
finds - buluntular
goodness - iyilik
expected - beklenen
felon - suçlu
funny - komik
gotta - lazım
either - ya
employees - çalışanlar
volunteers - gönüllüler
earth - toprak
dropped - düştü
dollars - dolar
worried - endişeli
daughter - kız evlat
across - karşısında
lunch - öğle yemeği
blown - şişmiş
dandelions - karahindiba
boxes - kutuları
marsha - marsha
difference - fark
cookies - kurabiye
bettering - iyileştiriyorlardı
crime - suç
excuse - bahane
minutes - dakika
right - Sağ
about - hakkında
daisy - papatya
sound - ses
another - bir diğeri
congrats - Tebrikler
kookie - kookie
something - bir şey
meeting - toplantı
attending - katılıyor
michelle - michelle
selling - satış
community - toplum
information - bilgi
collar - yaka
white - beyaz
criminal - adli
convicted - suçlu
their - onların
crazy - çılgın
cents - cent
chocolate - çikolata
detroit - detroit
clusters - kümeler
cookie - kurabiye
bummer - serseri
build - inşa etmek
sitting - oturma
gonna - olacak
children - çocuklar
would - olur
spaghetti - spagetti
great - harika
tabby - tekir
handle - sap
happy - mutlu
point - puan
hates - kinler
making - yapma
helen - helen
pretty - güzel
helps - yardım eder
interrupting - kesintiye
seven - yedi
jailbird - hapishane kuşu
leadership - liderlik
which - hangi
loser - ezik
official - resmi
hands - eller
looks - görünüyor
meetings - toplantılar
million - milyon
minute - dakika
sounds - sesleri
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