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How to pronounce hear in English


Examples from movies with Hear

Now, you hear me clear enough?
Rudy - Fortune's Truth
- I hear you like building model airplanes. - Yeah.
Flipped - Lunch Dates
Did you hear those Marines in there today talking about your brother?
Brothers - Give Me the Keys
And that's... that's all I want to hear from you.
Capote - This is My Work
And when you want to tell me what I need to hear, you let me know.
Capote - This is My Work
I hear their jelly is wonderful, and you know what else?
Mother - Shopping
I think it better that you do hear what I have to say.
Robin Hood - Queen in the Making
I'm afraid that I don't hear a thing.
Margin Call - The Music Stops
I hear the stories.
XX - Bad Boy
I hear about the things he makes the other kids do,
XX - Bad Boy
just to hear that spotting is a perfectly normal symptom?
Waitress - Strange Medicine
- as big as hell can hold. - Shall you hear more?
Cymbeline - He Hath Enjoyed Her
Look, I like the baby version the best, do you hear me?
Talladega Nights - Dear Lord Baby Jesus
I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly.
Pride & Prejudice - Elizabeth and Darcy's Dance
I'll continue to hear evidence on Aimes v. Pearson, et Al.
North Country - A Class Action
I'm not Dave Spritz, no. But I hear that a lot.
The Weather Man - Waiting In Line
Do you hear me? There will be cops swarming all over this block.
Phone Booth - Telescopic Sight
I just want to hear your assignments read aloud in a slow and peaceful--
Big Fat Liar - Lying Through Your Teeth

Audio pronunciation of Hear

American pronunciation

Hear pronounced by Ivy (child, girl)
Hear pronounced by Joanna (female)
Hear pronounced by Kendra (female)
Hear pronounced by Kimberly (female)
Hear pronounced by Salli (female)
Hear pronounced by Joey (male)
Hear pronounced by Justin (child, boy)
Hear pronounced by Matthew (male)

British pronunciation

Hear pronounced by Amy (female)
Hear pronounced by Emma (female)
Hear pronounced by Brian (male)