تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.

أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.


كيف تنطق fact بالإنجليزية

  • حادثة
  • صنيع
  • واقعة
  • واقعية الشىء

أمثلة أفلام بها كلمة Fact

In fact, all the presents are from Brad.
Daddy's Home - It's a Pony!
I can really appreciate the fact that things got completely nuts the other night.
The Dilemma - Come Inside
I appreciate the fact that a lot of your property got damaged as well.
The Dilemma - Come Inside
was, in fact, commissioned by the complainant.
T2 Trainspotting - Diane the Lawyer
The fact I'm a man and you're a woman doesn't have anything to do with it.
Yours, Mine and Ours - Monkey in the Middle
In fact, that's my new favorite word.
Girl, Interrupted - Ambivalent
"In fact, it was on the very day he left Baker Street,
Mr. Holmes - A Man Comes to Baker Street
Yes, sir. We have witnesses, as a matter of fact,
Thinner - The Curse
I think everything must go back to the fact...
Antz - You Are Insignificant
except the fact that you stole my credit card
Saved! - The Fall of Hilary Faye

النطق الصوتي لكلمة Fact

النطق باللهجة الأمريكية

Fact تُنطق Ivy (طفل, بنت)
Fact تُنطق Joanna (مؤنث)
Fact تُنطق Kendra (مؤنث)
Fact تُنطق Kimberly (مؤنث)
Fact تُنطق Salli (مؤنث)
Fact تُنطق Joey (مذكر)
Fact تُنطق Justin (طفل, ولد)
Fact تُنطق Matthew (مذكر)

النطق باللهجة الأمريكية

Fact تُنطق Amy (مؤنث)
Fact تُنطق Emma (مؤنث)
Fact تُنطق Brian (مذكر)