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Gone with the Wind - Abasing Herself (Es)

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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    Can it be possible that...?

    Can what be possible, Rhett?

    That you've grown a woman's heart?
    A real woman's heart.

    I have, Rhett. I know I have.

    You know, it's worth being in jail
    just to hear you say that.

    It's well worth it.

    You can drop the moonlight
    and magnolia, Scarlett.

    So things have been going
    well at Tara, have they?

    What have you been doing
    with your hands?

    I went riding last week without my gloves.
    - These don't belong to a lady.

    You've been working with them
    like a field hand!

    Why did you lie to me,
    and what are you really up to?

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