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Pronunciación en inglés de yourself

tú mismo

Ejemplos tomados de películas con Yourself

I mean, you said it yourself, Eddie used to be a total douche.
What's Your Number? - Better With Time
If you let yourself be overcome by sorrow, you will drown in it.
12 Years A Slave - Let Me Weep
Get yourself hard, 'cause I'm gonna suck your dick like I'm mad at It.
Bad Teacher - You Never Loved Me
Call yourself a fucking gangster?
Legend - Bar Beatdown
I don't give a crap if you covered yourself in peanut butter...
Saw - It Was Tapp
Why? What about yourself scares you?
Case 39 - What Scares You?
But before you do anything, you have to ask yourself if you can do it.
The Next Three Days - Planning a Prison Break
You shot yourself in the face by mistake.
The Green Hornet - The Hornet Gun
You go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself.
The Boss - Dandelion Meeting
You're on. You got yourself a date. That sounds terrific.
The Boss - Dandelion Meeting
and shoot yourself in the head already, you chickenshit!
Money Monster - You're Not a Man
all by yourself in the middle of the night?
Red Riding Hood - Demon Musk
Well, you're a little lacking in that area yourself, Arthur.
Passengers - Partner Mode
Call yourself Han Solo. You're dressed like him.
That's My Boy - Worst Dad Ever
And maybe tell yourself it's better that they never happened.
T2 Trainspotting - Choose Life
cared for someone other than yourself,
Bad Moms - Couple's Therapy
Do you see yourself as a tourist or a participant?
Predestination - Tourist
Okay. Maybe you actually believe it yourself.
The Space Between Us - Get Out
But you've said so yourself with everything that's happened in Europe,
The Lost City of Z - Higher Authority
I'm gonna let you handle the 4:30 crowd by yourself.
Ghost World - Enid Gets Hired and Fired

Pronunciación de Yourself

Pronunciación americana

Yourself pronunciado por Ivy (niño, chica)
Yourself pronunciado por Joanna (mujer)
Yourself pronunciado por Kendra (mujer)
Yourself pronunciado por Kimberly (mujer)
Yourself pronunciado por Salli (mujer)
Yourself pronunciado por Joey (hombre)
Yourself pronunciado por Justin (niño, chico)
Yourself pronunciado por Matthew (hombre)

Pronunciación británica

Yourself pronunciado por Amy (mujer)
Yourself pronunciado por Emma (mujer)
Yourself pronunciado por Brian (hombre)