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Tanulás elkezdése
I got him about
a year ago for my boys.
They like him.
It's a lot of work,
and... I don't know.
I think they think of him as a
consolation prize for their father.
He, um... divorced me last year.
Well, we... we
divorced each other.
I didn't do it
to bribe them, I swear.
I just thought that, you know,
it would be a good distraction.
Worked better
on Joey, because he's only 5.
Yeah. I was almost
married once myself.
A couple of years ago.
Really? What happened?
Oh, I don't know.
Some couples are lucky,
some aren't.
We weren't so lucky.
Greg used to... write for this
TV show call The Midnighter.
Do you ever watch that?
It's syndicated.
He wrote some episodes.
I mean... I mean, he still,
you know, writes episodes
'cause he's on staff.
Only took 2 puffs
of your last one.
That's 'cause I don't
really smoke.
Yeah. Well, last year, I started
chewing the gum, you know?
Because my friend Donna,
she was trying to quit smoking,
and she found that the gum
was soothing to the nerves,
so I started chewing it,
then I got hooked on the gum,
and then I got TMJ
from the chewing,
so this is just to
get me off the gum.
I'm 10 days
off the gum.
Sounds like
a good plan.
Next week,
you'll be on heroin.
Hey, mister.
Hey, mister, it's ready.
See? An hour or less.
Um, listen, when you...
when you get the bill,
you know, for having the pants
rewoven, I want you to send it to me.
There's my number.
I'm serious, please.
Please. Not a discussion.
Thank you.
years - évek
wrote - írt
would - lenne
watch - néz
think - gondol
their - azok
thank - köszönet
syndicated - szindikált
hooked - hajlott
puffs - felfújja
still - még mindig
worked - dolgozott
heroin - heroin
listen - hallgat
ready - kész
found - talál
number - szám
episodes - epizódok
pants - nadrág
donna - donna
couples - párok
almost - majdnem
please - kérem
better - jobb
married - házas
trying - megpróbálja
divorced - elvált
distraction - zaklatottság
having - amelynek
couple - párosít
thought - gondolat
soothing - enyhítő
myself - magamat
because - mert
bribe - veszteget
other - más
about - ról ről
friend - barát
consolation - vigasz
discussion - vita
sounds - hangok
happened - történt
chewing - rágás
writes - írja
lucky - szerencsés
write - ír
midnighter - midnighter
mister - uram
smoke - füst
nerves - idegek
father - apa
prize - díj
rewoven - újraszőjük
serious - súlyos
staff - személyzet
smoking - dohányzó
started - indult
really - igazán
swear - esküszik
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