Tanulj igazi angolt filmekből és könyvekből!
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A csúszka segítségével szerkesztheti a videoklip kezdetét és végét
Kattintson a gyakorlatok ikonjára, amelyekhez hozzá kívánja adni a kifejezést további tanulmányok céljából
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Tanulás elkezdése
- Oh, God.
- You dirty little liar.
I'm sorry. I can explain.
Explain how you forgot
to invite us to your party?
Janis, I cannot stop this car.
I have a curfew.
You know I couldn't invite you.
I had to pretend to be Plastic.
Hey, buddy, you're not
pretending anymore.
You're Plastic.
Cold, shiny, hard Plastic.
Curfew, 1 a.m. It is now 1:10.
Did you have an awesome time?
Did you drink awesome shooters
and listen to awesome music,
and then just sit around and soak up
each other's awesomeness?
You're the one who made me like this
so you could use me
for your eighth-grade revenge.
God! See, at least me and
Regina George know we're mean.
You try to act like
you're so innocent.
Like, "Oh, I used
to live in Africa
with all the little birdies
and the little monkeys."
You know what?
It's not my fault you're like in love
with me or something!
- What?!
- Oh, no she did not!
See? That is the thing
with you Plastics.
You think that everybody
is in love with you,
when actually, everybody hates you.
Like Aaron Samuels, for example.
He broke up with Regina
and guess what.
He still doesn't want you.
So why are you still messing
with Regina, Cady? I'll tell you why.
'Cause you are a mean girl!
You're a bitch!
Here. You can have this.
It won a prize.
And I want my pink shirt back!
I want my pink shirt back!
think - gondol
still - még mindig
sorry - sajnálom
shooters - lövész
fault - hiba
could - tudott
drink - ital
birdies - úszhat
explain - megmagyarázni
guess - találd ki
dirty - piszkos
messing - Messiás
curfew - kijárási tilalom
cannot - nem tud
something - valami
anymore - többé
little - kicsit
regina - Regina
africa - Afrika
actually - tulajdonképpen
forgot - elfelejtettem
everybody - mindenki
pretend - színlel
thing - dolog
awesome - fantasztikus
pretending - úgy tesz, mintha
aaron - áron
listen - hallgat
around - körül
awesomeness - awesomeness
example - példa
bitch - kurva
eighth - nyolcadik
buddy - haver
broke - törött
george - György
grade - fokozat
janis - janis
hates - hates
innocent - ártatlan
invite - meghívás
least - legkevésbé
monkeys - majmok
music - zene
party - party
plastics - műanyagok
shiny - fényes
prize - díj
revenge - bosszú
samuels - samuels
plastic - műanyag
shirt - ing
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