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Tanulás elkezdése
It takes a village
to do what's being done here.
I'm not saying all of them.
But enough of them.
In the plant, out in the pit,
and even up in the offices...
...all with the foot on the throat
of every woman in that mine.
So, it's not just my client who needs
relief from this court, Your Honor.
We are asking for an injunction
to protect all the women.
Further, we ask the court
to certify a class.
A class made up of every woman
working at Pearson...
...because every one of them
deserves protection under the law.
Doesn't a class actually require
more than one plaintiff?
This complaint was filed
on behalf of one Josey Aimes.
The key word being "one."
By comparison, we have affidavits
from 13 women...
...all stating there have been
no incidents of abuse...
That is not true.
Sit down.
It's not true.
Your Honor, are you as confused
as we are?
I don't think Miss Conlin is supposed
to be waving around a pile of paper
without letting us see it first,
is she?
No, she's not. Miss Conlin.
They'll be submitted to
the court today, Your Honor.
It doesn't matter what kind of document
they've been intimidated into signing
- Give me a break.
- Please.
- Get me three plaintiffs.
- Your Honor, please.
If those affidavits are legitimate,
you shouldn't have an objection.
I'll continue to hear evidence
on Aimes v. Pearson, et Al.
If you find three plaintiffs
with similar grievances, I'll give
you your class action.
Thank you, Your Honor.
women - nők
woman - nő
under - alatt
today - ma
three - három
those - azok
without - nélkül
think - gondol
thank - köszönet
takes - vesz
supposed - feltételezett
stating - amely
saying - mondás
relief - megkönnyebbülés
protection - védelem
protect - véd
require - kíván
document - dokumentum
confused - zavaros
conlin - conlin
needs - igények
submitted - benyújtott
first - első
complaint - panasz
throat - torok
client - ügyfél
pearson - pearson
class - osztály
around - körül
court - bíróság
break - szünet
certify - igazolja,
enough - elég
deserves - érdemel
further - további
paper - papír
continue - folytatni
village - falu
josey - josey
actually - tulajdonképpen
there - ott
abuse - visszaélés
comparison - összehasonlítás
being - lény
asking - kérve
aimes - aimes
waving - hullámzás
intimidated - megfélemlített
signing - aláírás
because - mert
every - minden
letting - bérbeadása
filed - iktatott
evidence - bizonyíték
working - dolgozó
grievances - sérelmek
affidavits - vallomásait
honor - becsület
injunction - végzés
similar - hasonló
behalf - nevében
legitimate - jogos
matter - ügy
incidents - események
objection - ellenvetés
offices - irodák
plant - növény
action - akció
plaintiff - felperes
plaintiffs - felperesek
please - kérem
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