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Tanulás elkezdése
Marsha Swan's tabby cat,
Spaghetti, is on the mend
and expected to
make a full recovery.
Yay, Spaghetti!
My daughter, Beth,
was so worried about Spaghetti.
Thank goodness she's
back on her feet.
Funny fact about Spaghetti,
she hates spaghetti.
You seem fucking
crazy to me.
Excuse me?
Cute as a daisy to me.
Okay, now,
not to sound too kookie,
but let's talk
"cookie" sales, that is.
Okay, so this year,
we came in with 21,000 dollars.
Pretty good job, big bucks.
But Detroit is still in the lead
for the year with 189,000 dollars.
Can I just ask you, are these numbers
you're talking about just cookie sales?
And, if so, how many troupes
are we talking about here?
There are 3.2 million
Dandelions all over the world
blown across the earth,
making a difference.
Is this global?
Wait, I recognize you.
You're Michelle Darnell.
Please, don't make a fuss.
Oh, I'm gonna
make a fuss.
You're a convicted felon sitting
in a room full of children.
You're a criminal.
It was white-collar crime.
Okay, you don't
have to defend me.
You're such
a loser.
I'm sorry,
what did he say?
Excuse me. Hi.
I gotta ask you.
Now are we talking part-time
or full-time employees here?
Nope, just happy volunteers.
For your information,
She seems great.
The Dandelions helps girls
build leadership skills.
It looks good on their
high-school transcript
and they are bettering
their community,
which is more than
I can say for you.
What is your name?
Helen Kreagan.
Oh, you know what? I think you
dropped something right here.
You go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself.
I don't think you know
who you're talking to.
I think I do.
And I think I want you to fuck off.
Oh, my gosh!
Can we just take a minute and
give congrats to Sarah, here?
Thank you.
It's Sandy. It's Sandy.
Whatever, either one.
I gotta know how much
are you selling these boxes for?
- Girls.
- Seven dollars.
Seven dollars?
Ka-ching, right?
I got a guy in Shanghai who can make
this same box of cookies, 19 cents.
This is an official meeting
and you're interrupting it.
Let's take a poll,
show of hands.
Who finds Helen
to be a bummer?
Lots of hands.
Oh, Helen.
Do something, Mom.
I object to parolees
attending our meetings
and I'd like to put
that in the minutes.
May I?
Let me just handle this.
Another great point
by Helen.
You know what, Helen?
If you don't get
off my fucking back,
I'm gonna shove a box of chocolate
clusters up that tight ass of yours.
I would love
to go to lunch.
You're on. You got yourself a date.
That sounds terrific.
yourself - saját magad
yours - a tiéd
world - világ
whatever - tök mindegy
troupes - társulatokat
transcript - másolat
think - gondol
these - ezek
there - ott
thank - köszönet
talking - beszél
tight - szoros
still - még mindig
global - globális
defend - megvédeni
girls - lányok
parolees - parolees
fucking - kibaszott
darnell - darnell
finds - leletek
goodness - jóság
expected - várt
felon - gonosztevő
funny - vicces
gotta - kell
either - bármelyik
employees - alkalmazottak
volunteers - önkéntesek
earth - Föld
dropped - leesett
dollars - dollár
worried - aggódó
daughter - lánya
across - át
lunch - ebéd
blown - kifulladt
dandelions - pitypang
boxes - dobozok
marsha - Marsha
difference - különbség
cookies - keksz
bettering - javításához,
crime - bűn
excuse - mentség
minutes - percek
right - jobb
about - ról ről
daisy - százszorszép
sound - hang
another - egy másik
congrats - gratula
kookie - kookie
something - valami
meeting - találkozó
attending - részt
michelle - michelle
selling - eladási
community - közösség
information - információ
collar - gallér
white - fehér
criminal - bűnügyi
convicted - elítélt
their - azok
crazy - őrült
cents - cent
chocolate - csokoládé
detroit - Detroit
clusters - klaszterek
cookie - aprósütemény
bummer - dőzsölés
build - épít
sitting - ülés
gonna - fog
children - gyermekek
would - lenne
spaghetti - spagetti
great - nagy
tabby - pletykázó vénasszony
handle - fogantyú
happy - boldog
point - pont
hates - hates
making - gyártás
helen - Helen
pretty - szép
helps - segít
interrupting - megszakítása
seven - hét
jailbird - börtöntöltelék
leadership - vezetés
which - melyik
loser - vesztes
official - hivatalos
hands - kezek
looks - úgy néz ki,
meetings - ülések
million - millió
minute - perc
sounds - hangok
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