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The Rumjacks – AN IRISH PUB SONG testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

AN IRISH PUB SONG - The Rumjacks

parole da studiare

Theres a county map to go on the wall,

A hurling stick & shinty ball,

The bric, the brac, the craic & all,

Lets call it an Irish pub,

Caffreys, Harp, Kilkenny on tap,

The Guinness pie & that cabbage crap,

The ideal wannabee Paddy trap,

We’ll call it an Irish pub,

Whale, oil, beef, hooked! I swear upon the holy book,

The only ‘craic’ you’ll get is a slap in the ear,

Whale, oil, beef, hooked! I’ll up & burst yer filthy mug,

If you draw one more shamrock in me beer!

We’ll raise the price o’ beer a dollar,

We’ll make em wear a shirt & collar,

We’ll fly a bloody tri-colour,

And call it an Irish pub,

Jager bombs & double shots,

The underagers think its tops,

We’ll spike the drinks & pay the cops,

We got us an Irish pub.

The quick one in the filthy bog,

The partin’ glass across the lug,