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Phil? Phil Connors, I thought that was you.
Rita, this is Ned Ryerson, he's my new insurance agent.
I'll say.
I have not seen this guy for 20 years.
He comes up to me and then he buys whole life,
term, uniflex, fire, theft, auto, dental, health,
with the optional death and dismemberment plan. Water damage.
Phil, this is the best day of my life.
- Mine too. - Mine too.
- Where are we going? - Oh, let's not spoil it.
Let's not... Oh, I got that. Reow!
Why can't I look?
Because you bother me a lot.
I'm getting cold. How much longer do I have to sit here?
I'm just trying to give you your money's worth.
You paid top dollar for me.
Well, I think you were a bargain.
Sweet of you to say. You're probably right.
Is it finished yet?
Almost. I still have to put some cherry syrup on the top
then we can eat it.
Come on, Phil. I'm freezing!
One second, one second.
Let me turn it in the light.
It's amazing. It's beautiful.
How did you do that?
I know your face so well, I could have done it with my eyes closed.
It's lovely. I don't know what to say.
I do.
No matter what happens tomorrow, or for the rest of my life,
I'm happy now... because I love you.
I think I'm happy too.
years - anni
worth - di valore
whole - totale
dollar - dollaro
dental - dentale
right - destra
death - morte
amazing - stupefacente
finished - finito
ryerson - ryerson
happens - accade
syrup - sciroppo
going - andando
matter - importa
connors - Connors
damage - danno
dismemberment -
cherry - ciliegia
closed - chiuso
think - pensare
bargain - affare
agent - agente
could - poteva
uniflex - UNIFLEX
almost - quasi
because - perché
sweet - dolce
comes - viene
longer - più a lungo
happy - contento
light - leggero
lovely - bello
bother - preoccuparsi
health - salute
insurance - assicurazione
probably - probabilmente
getting - ottenere
tomorrow - domani
second - secondo
spoil - rovinare
still - ancora
theft - furto
thought - pensato
beautiful - bellissimo
optional - opzionale
where - dove
trying - provare
freezing - congelamento
water - acqua
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