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David, oh, hi, boys!
- hello, Mrs. Santos. - Juliana.
David, there's somebody here to see you.
A girl from your school, I think.
- Go on in, hon. - Thank you.
You stole the lens?
- preposterous. - what's "project anus"?
Anas. okay? And it's none of your business.
Just give me the lens.
And what evidence do you have of this alleged theft of this alleged lens?
Well, it was there earlier this afternoon.
I gave him the keys, he went into the lab, and then it was gone.
- Circumstantial. - It's sitting right next to you.
- Oh, damn it, peter! - Oh, my God.
Have you ever heard of a Labrador duck?
I still don't get why it's called project anus.
Anas! It's Latin for "duck."
- you guys speak Latin? - yeah. Sometimes.
You could come with us.
This would seriously be the first photo of this extinct duck?
Yeah. Definitely.
If I come, I'm taking the picture.
No, you're not. Okay? That's not a possibility.
- take it or leave it. - we'll take it.
When do we leave?
7:00 AM. From Timmy's cousin's house.
- 25 Southridge drive. - Cool.
Where the hell did that come from?
She made me nervous. Okay?
On the flip side, one or possibly more of us will get some action this weekend.
- Most likely to be me. - Nope. Not gonna happen.
would - voluto
where - dove
weekend - fine settimana
could - poteva
hello - ciao
latin - latino
likely - probabile
somebody - qualcuno
gonna - andando
speak - parlare
labrador - labrador
house - casa
first - primo
taking - presa
evidence - prova
think - pensare
afternoon - pomeriggio
alleged - presunto
business - attività commerciale
happen - accadere
action - azione
juliana - juliana
heard - sentito
extinct - estinto
definitely - decisamente
called - chiamato
drive - guidare
circumstantial - circostanziato
photo - foto
david - david
still - ancora
theft - furto
leave - partire
picture - immagine
there - là
school - scuola
earlier - prima
southridge - southridge
nervous - nervoso
peter - Pietro
seriously - sul serio
possibility - possibilità
sometimes - a volte
preposterous - assurdo
right - destra
santos - santos
project - progetto
sitting - seduta
possibly - possibilmente
stole - ha rubato
thank - ringraziare
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