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Inizia ad imparare
Out for a run.
Alone. Something that I
wasn't supposed to do.
Ursa de-camos,
Right in front of me.
I go for my cutlass...
It Shoots its pincer.
Right to my shoulder.
Next thing I know, we're
over the cliff. Falling.
30 meters. Straight down.
Into the river.
We settle onto the bottom.
It's on top of me.
But it's not moving.
And I realize...
He's trying to drown me.
I'm thinking,
I'm gonna die.
I'm gonna die.
You cannot believe
this is how you gonna die.
I could see my blood bubbling
up, Mixing with the sunlight,
Shining through the water.
And I think, wow...
"That's really pretty."
And everything slows down.
I see his pincer through my shoulder.
And I decide: I don't want
that in there anymore.
So I pull it out.
And it lets me go.
And more than that
I can tell...
It can't find me.
It doesn't even know
where to look.
And it dawned on me...
Fear is not real.
The only place that fear can exist
is in our thoughts of the future.
It is a product
of our imagination.
Causing us to fear things
that do not at present
and may not ever exist.
That is near insanity, Kitai.
Now, do not misunderstand
me: Danger, is very real.
But fear is a choice.
We are all telling ourselves a story.
And that day, mine changed.
where - dove
trying - provare
thoughts - pensieri
thinking - pensiero
think - pensare
thing - cosa
there - là
straight - dritto
supposed - ipotetico
story - storia
falling - caduta
exist - esistere
everything - qualunque cosa
shining - splendente
dawned - spuntato
water - acqua
present - presente
changed - cambiato
things - cose
bottom - parte inferiore
telling - raccontare
danger - pericolo
cliff - scogliera
misunderstand - fraintendere
choice - scelta
something - qualcosa
anymore - più
kitai - Kitai
believe - credere
bubbling - gorgogliante
river - fiume
alone - da solo
shoulder - spalla
camos - Camos
shoots - germogli
front - davanti
drown - annegare
causing - causando
insanity - follia
cannot - non può
imagination - immaginazione
ourselves - noi stessi
future - futuro
gonna - andando
meters - metri
moving - in movimento
mixing - miscelazione
pincer - tenaglia
could - poteva
decide - decidere
slows - rallenta
blood - sangue
place - posto
pretty - bella
product - prodotto
realize - rendersi conto
really - veramente
sunlight - luce del sole
cutlass - arma da taglio
right - destra
through - attraverso
settle - stabilirsi
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