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My face squeezes into that crying contortion you all know so well
but nothing comes out. I need tears. It's... not being able to come.
I need tears to tear me in two and let this nightmare escape, but...
Oh. Um...
Anyway, yes, don't forget to smile.
It makes a person's day. And what does it cost you? A smile is free.
This is not working. This is not working. This is not working.
The world is falling apart.
The president is a war criminal. - Boo!
America is going down the tubes and you're talking about goddamn intelligent design.
They've intentionally destroyed the public education system
because it's easier to manipulate dumb workers and soldiers.
There's no need for that! Support our troops!
Oh, um... - I thought this was about customer service! - Uh, be personable.
Remember to believe in yourself. Believe in your company.
And your products or services.
I sweat onto my pillow every night.
I think there's something very, very wrong with me.
Be friendly.
Yes, what does it cost you?
Look for what is special about each individual.
Focus on that during your conversation.
Our time is limited. We forget that.
Death comes, that's it. Soon it's as if we never existed.
So, remember to smile.
Remember there is someone out there for everyone. Someone to love.
Remember every person you speak to needs love.
yourself - te stesso
wrong - sbagliato
world - mondo
working - lavoro
workers - lavoratori
tubes - tubi
thought - pensato
think - pensare
there - là
system - sistema
sweat - sudore
someone - qualcuno
service - servizio
anyway - comunque
escape - fuga
remember - ricorda
education - educazione
speak - parlare
easier - più facile
crying - pianto
focus - messa a fuoco
during - durante
destroyed - distrutto
limited - limitato
something - qualcosa
customer - cliente
design - design
death - morte
criminal - penale
existed - esistito
everyone - tutti
apart - a parte
going - andando
tears - lacrime
support - supporto
president - presidente
squeezes - spreme
special - speciale
america - America
talking - parlando
about - di
every - dejte pozor
because - perché
troops - truppe
company - azienda
products - produkty
makes - fa
night - notte
forget - dimenticare
falling - caduta
friendly - amichevole
goddamn - dannazione
individual - individuale
public - pubblico
believe - credere
intelligent - intelligente
intentionally - apposta
manipulate - manipolare
needs - esigenze
never - mai
smile - sorriso
comes - viene
nightmare - incubo
soldiers - soldati
being - essere
nothing - niente
conversation - conversazione
person - persona
personable - di bell'aspetto
services - servizi
pillow - cuscino
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