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Your well has dried up.
Oh! Oh, God.
That's good.
I thought it was
something serious.
We can just fill it up because
there's a hose right around back.
Do you know
what I mean?
Fill it...
Fill it up?
- Fill it up?
Lady, you're...
You're out of water.
You're out of water.
You're gonna have to tap
into the county line...
...and that's three
miles down the road.
Well, look, I am almost
out of money, Mr. Boone.
I don't understand
these technicalities.
Just tell me
one thing, okay?
Is this going
to be expensive?
Well, do you know, like...
...approximately, how much
this is gonna cost me?
Nope, right. Yeah.
Well, just guess!
Five, six thousand dollars.
Maybe more.
Oh, well, that's just fine.
That's it! I've had it!
I can't make it here, okay?
I mean, I am not...
I am not Paul Bunyan, all right?
I went to Harvard.
I graduated at the top of my class.
For what?
To spend my life fixing up this
dilapidated shack?
Well, you can
just forget it,
because I'm gonna
get out of here.
You see?
I need to work.
I need people.
I need a social life.
I need sex!
Please! I'm
a married man!
I'm gonna shrivel up and
die here!
I mean, how
much baby food
is a person supposed
to be able to make in their lifetime?
I mean, I am
a career woman.
I'm used to having
phone lists and dinner meetings.
Do you know
what I mean?
Uh, nope.
I have been "yupped"
and "noped" to death by you guys!
I have had it
with whiskers and plaids!
Look at me. I am going nuts!
I used to be cute!
I am not prepared
for wells to run dry!
I just wanna turn on
the faucet and have water.
I don't wanna know
where it's coming from!
Another six thousand!
- Oh!
woman - donna
whiskers - barba
where - dove
water - acqua
wanna - voglio
understand - capire
thought - pensato
thing - cosa
three - tre
their - loro
technicalities - tecnicismi
supposed - ipotetico
graduated - laureato
forget - dimenticare
married - sposato
these - queste
fixing - fissaggio
expensive - costoso
dollars - dollari
dinner - cena
death - morte
another - un altro
wells - pozzi
approximately - circa
dried - secco
around - in giro
class - classe
please - per favore
boone - boone
career - carriera
almost - quasi
faucet - rubinetto
because - perché
coming - venuta
lifetime - tutta la vita
guess - indovina
thousand - mille
shrivel - avvizzire
going - andando
harvard - harvard
lists - liste
plaids - plaid
maybe - può essere
dilapidated - cadente
meetings - incontri
miles - miglia
money - i soldi
people - persone
person - persona
having - avendo
phone - telefono
gonna - andando
prepared - preparato
right - destra
shack - baracca
yupped - yupped
noped - noped
serious - grave
social - sociale
something - qualcosa
county - contea
spend - trascorrere
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