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We need the whole team
here in two hours or it's not worth it.
I'm very sorry.
In my culture…
death is not the end.
It's more of
a stepping-off point.
You reach out
with both hands...
and Bast and Sekhmet,
they lead you
into the green veldt...
where you can run forever.
That sounds very peaceful.
My father thought so.
I am not my father.
Task Force will decide
who brings in Barnes.
Don't bother, Ms. Romanoff.
I'll kill him myself.
You all right?
Uh, yeah, thanks.
I got lucky.
I know how much Barnes
means to you. I really do.
Stay home.
You'll only make this worse.
For all of us.
Are you saying
you'll arrest me?
Someone will.
If you interfere.
That's how it works now.
If he's this far gone, Nat,
I should be the one
to bring him in.
Because I'm the one
least likely to die trying.
worth - di valore
works - lavori
veldt - veldt
sounds - suoni
should - dovrebbero
sekhmet - sekhmet
romanoff - Romanoff
right - destra
reach - raggiungere
worse - peggio
sorry - scusa
point - punto
please - per favore
thanks - grazie
saying - detto
brings - porta
someone - qualcuno
likely - probabile
trying - provare
peaceful - tranquillo, calmo
arrest - arresto
where - dove
thought - pensato
father - padre
because - perché
force - vigore
whole - totale
really - veramente
hours - ore
bring - portare
death - morte
myself - me stessa
culture - cultura
forever - per sempre
barnes - barnes
decide - decidere
hands - mani
bother - preoccuparsi
green - verde
interfere - interferire
least - meno
stepping - passo
lucky - fortunato
means - si intende
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