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You're one of the most popular students at Carver.
You're honest, you're straightforward,
And you don't crack under pressure,
As we all saw in an amazing fourth quarter against westside.
All the kids look up to you.
Now, what does that spell?
Student... Council... President.
Who, me? Oh, no. I...
I don't know anything about that stuff, Mr, I mean
I mean, besides, that's Tracy flick's thing.
She's always working so hard.
Yeah. no. She's a real go-getter, all right.
And she's super nice.
Yeah, yeah, But one person assured of victory
Kind of undermines the whole idea of democracy, don't you think?
I mean, that'd be more like a dictatorship like we studied.
But, Mr. M, there's--
Paul, what's your favorite fruit?
- Pears. - Pears. Good. Ok.
- Apples. - Apples. Fine.
Let's say all you ever knew were apples.
Apples, apples, more apples.
You might think apples were pretty good,
Even if you got a rotten one once in a while.
But then one day... There's an orange.
And now you can make a decision.
Do you want an apple or do you want an orange?
That's democracy.
I also like bananas.
Exactly. Good.
So what do you say?
Maybe it's time to give a little something back.
working - lavoro
whole - totale
westside - lato ovest
undermines - mina
under - sotto
honest - onesto
fourth - il quarto
exactly - di preciso
favorite - favorito
decision - decisione
super - super
carver - intagliatore
always - sempre
quarter - trimestre
besides - inoltre
apples - mele
amazing - stupefacente
apple - mela
about - di
victory - vittoria
getter - procacciatore
anything - qualsiasi cosa
pressure - pressione
fruit - frutta
council - consiglio
assured - assicurato
dictatorship - dittatura
president - presidente
stuff - cose
crack - crepa
while - mentre
bananas - banane
straightforward - schietto
democracy - democrazia
little - piccolo
maybe - può essere
might - potrebbe
orange - arancia
pears - pere
against - contro
think - pensare
person - persona
something - qualcosa
popular - popolare
student - alunno
right - destra
rotten - marcio
spell - sillabare
pretty - bella
students - studenti
studied - studiato
thing - cosa
tracy - tracy
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