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Ms. G? Can I read something from my diary?
That'd be great.
Who is he?
Man, he's been with us from freshman year, fool.
- What's his name? - I don't know.
This summer was the worst summer in my short 14 years of life.
It all started with a phone call.
My mother was crying and begging, asking for more time
as if she were gasping for her last breath of air.
She held me as tight as she could and cried.
Her tears hit my shirt like bullets
and told me we were being evicted.
She kept apologizing to me. I thought, 'I have no home.
"I should have asked for something less expensive at Christmas.'
On the morning of the eviction, a hard knock on the door woke me up.
The sheriff was there to do his job.
I looked up at the sky, waiting for something to happen.
My mother has no family to lean on, no money coming in.
Why bother coming to school or getting good grades if I'm homeless?
The bus stops in front of the school. I feel like throwing up.
I'm wearing clothes from last year,
some old shoes and no new haircut.
I kept thinking I'd get laughed at.
Instead, I'm greeted by a couple of friends
who were in my English class last year.
"And it hits me, Mrs. Gruwell,
my crazy English teacher from last year,
is the only person that made me think of hope.
"Talking with friends about last year's English and our trips,
"I began to feel better.
"I receive my schedule and the first teacher is Mrs. Gruwell in Room 203.
"I walk into the room and feel as though
all the problems in life are not so important anymore.
I am home.
wearing - indossare
tight - stretto
thought - pensato
thinking - pensiero
tears - lacrime
teacher - insegnante
stops - fermate
started - iniziato
waiting - in attesa
should - dovrebbero
shirt - camicia
sheriff - sceriffo
there - là
short - corto
school - scuola
schedule - programma
receive - ricevere
problems - i problemi
phone - telefono
person - persona
mother - madre
throwing - lancio
couple - coppia
important - importante
could - poteva
coming - venuta
freshman - matricola
shoes - scarpe
front - davanti
instead - anziché
better - meglio
getting - ottenere
gasping - ansimante
bullets - proiettili
breath - respiro
asking - chiede
gruwell - gruwell
being - essere
cried - gridò
looked - guardato
begging - accattonaggio
talking - parlando
about - di
grades - voti
great - grande
bother - preoccuparsi
family - famiglia
morning - mattina
began - iniziato
eviction - espulsione
apologizing - scusarsi
crazy - pazzo
asked - chiesto
years - anni
class - classe
evicted - sfratto
something - qualcosa
anymore - più
haircut - taglio di capelli
english - inglese
think - pensare
homeless - senza casa
christmas - natale
diary - diario
first - primo
worst - peggio
friends - amici
trips - viaggi
greeted - accolti
expensive - costoso
happen - accadere
though - anche se
knock - battere
summer - estate
crying - pianto
clothes - abiti
laughed - riso
money - i soldi
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