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I was just hoping you might give me
some insight into the evolution...
of the market economy
in the southern colonies.
My contention is that, uh,
prior to the Revolutionary War...
the economic modalities,
especially in the southern colonies...
could most aptly be characterized as...
- agrarian precap... All right?
You're a first-year grad student.
You just got finished readin' some
Marxian historian, Pete Garrison, probably.
You're gonna be convinced of that till
next month when you get to James Lemon.
Then you're gonna be
talkin' about
how the economies of Virginia
and Pennsylvania...
were entrepreneurial and capitalist
way back in 1740.
That's gonna last until next year.
You're gonna be in here
regurgitatin' Gordon Wood...
talkin' about, you know,
the prerevolutionary utopia...
and the capital-forming effects
of military mobilization.
Well, as a matter of fact, I won't, because
Wood drastically underestimates
the impact...
Wood drastically
underestimates the impact of social distinctions...
predicated upon wealth,
especially inherited wealth"?
You got that from Vickers'
Work in Essex County. Page 98, right?
Yeah, I read that, too.
Were you gonna plagiarize the whole
thing for us?
Do you have any thoughts, uh,
of your own on this matter?
Or do you... Is that your thing?
You come into a bar.
You read some obscure
passage and then pretend...
You, You pawn
it off as your own...
As your own idea just to impress
some girls? Embarrass my friend?
See, the sad thing about a
guy like you is, in 50 years
you're gonna start doin'
some thinkin' on your own.
And you're gonna come up with the fact
that there are two certainties in life.
One: Don't do that.
And two: You dropped 150 grand
on a fuckin' education...
you could've got for $1.50
in late charges at the public library.
Yeah, but I will have a degree...
and you'll be servin'
my kids fries at a drive
through on our
way to a skiing trip.
Yeah, maybe. Yeah, but at least
I won't be unoriginal.
But I mean, if you have a problem with
that, I mean, we could just step outside.
We could figure it out.
No, man, there's no problem.
It's cool.
- It's cool?
- Yeah. - Cool.
- Fuckin' damn right, it's cool.
- How do you like me now?
My boy's wicked smart.
underestimates - sottostime
thing - cosa
there - là
student - alunno
right - destra
whole - totale
revolutionary - rivoluzionario
public - pubblico
start - inizio
problem - problema
probably - probabilmente
prior - precedente
predicated - predicato
precap - precap
through - attraverso
pennsylvania - [object Object]
mobilization - mobilitazione
military - militare
might - potrebbe
maybe - può essere
library - biblioteca
years - anni
lemon - limone
least - meno
economies - economie
social - sociale
economic - economico
embarrass - imbarazzare
dropped - caduto
drastically - drasticamente
distinctions - distinzioni
degree - grado
economy - economia
outside - al di fuori
contention - contesa
characterized - caratterizzato
smart - inteligente
aptly - giustamente
agrarian - agrario
capital - capitale
marxian -
finished - finito
about - di
skiing - sciare
pretend - far finta
because - perché
southern - meridionale
convinced - convinto
utopia - utopia
unoriginal - poco originale
effects - effetti
wealth - ricchezza
matter - importa
capitalist - capitalista
month - mese
historian - storico
drive - guidare
charges - oneri
figure - figura
plagiarize - plagiare
colonies - colonie
girls - ragazze
thoughts - pensieri
education - educazione
wicked - malvagio
modalities - modalità
county - contea
grand - grande
virginia - Virginia
entrepreneurial - imprenditoriale
friend - amico
especially - particolarmente
obscure - oscuro
essex - Essex
passage - passaggio
evolution - evoluzione
first - primo
market - mercato
could - poteva
impact - urto
forming - formatura
certainties - certezze
fries - patatine fritte
garrison - guarnigione
gonna - andando
insight - intuizione
prerevolutionary - prerivoluzionaria
james - james
gordon - gordon
until - fino a
hoping - sperando
impress - impressionare
inherited - ereditata
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