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Good Will Hunting - My Boy's Wicked Smart (It)

Scena tratta dal film Will Hunting - Genio ribelle
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I was just hoping you might give me
    some insight into
    the evolution...

    of the market economy
    in the southern colonies.

    My contention is that, uh,
    prior to the Revolutionary War...

    the economic modalities,
    especially in the southern colonies...

    could most aptly be characterized as...

    - agrarian precap... All right?

    You're a first-year grad student.

    You just got finished readin' some
    Marxian historian, Pete Garrison, probably.

    You're gonna be convinced of that till
    next month when you get to James Lemon.

    Then you're gonna be
    talkin' about

    how the economies of Virginia
    and Pennsylvania...

    were entrepreneurial and capitalist
    way back in 1740.

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