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What are you?
Ahhh! You're a demon!
No, no. I'm not a demon. I'm not a demon.
See? Just a guy.
Just a guy here to rescue these dragons, so...
But you walked through the fire!
Dragon scales! Dragons shed a lot.
Oh, I know a demon when I see one.
No human legs are that skinny.
Think that's a good entrance?
Get a load of me.
Aah! I knew it! More demons!
Ah, it's really just a nitwit...
...who forgot to fireproof his butt.
Hot, hot, hot, hot!
Guys, no, not yet!
Behold, your worst nightmare.
Behold! - Along with his sister, who insisted on coming.
That's my intro?
Guys, too soon.
You always come in too soon.
Sorry, still getting the hang of my wings.
Fishlegs, again with the baby?
This is a raid.
I couldn't find a sitter.
Demons everywhere! It's the end of the world!
I had him right where I wanted him.
And now, he's right where I wanted him.
Let's get to work.
Okay, we screwed that up,
but at least nobody else knows we're here.
Easy, girl. It's okay.
Shh. We're gonna get you out of here.
A Crimson Goregutter.
Look at this weirdo. Bet it's super dumb.
Why can't I get this cage open?
It slides.
Attack! - Get the rescues out of here!
Get that Night Fury!
No running on the deck!
It's slippery. You could fall.
Step aside. Let me handle the tough-guy stuff.
Yeah! That's two for me.
Look out! No, no, no! - Sorry.
Thank you.
Now, go get the rest, bud.
I thought this was supposed to be a stealth mission.
Yeah, they always start that way. - Look out!
Thanks, Stormfly!
Oh, stop worrying. They'll get it.
Move out! We've got 'em all.
I'm gonna headlock every last one of you.
I might even leglock you.
Amateurs! I was just getting started.
Clear out, guys. Go, go!
Good hustle, boys.
Toothless, time to go!
Hey, guys.
Ha-ha! You always have my back, bud.
worrying - preoccupante
world - mondo
wings - ali
where - dove
wanted - ricercato
tough - difficile
toothless - sdentato
through - attraverso
thought - pensato
think - pensare
these - queste
worst - peggio
thanks - grazie
thank - ringraziare
stuff - cose
still - ancora
stealth - invisibile
slippery - scivoloso
slides - scivoli
sorry - scusa
screwed - avvitato
scales - bilancia
running - in esecuzione
sister - sorella
fishlegs - Gambedipesce
astrid - astrid
dragon - drago
again - ancora
dragons - draghi
started - iniziato
demon - demone
fireproof - ignifugo
getting - ottenere
crimson - cremisi
handle - maniglia
amateurs - dilettanti
might - potrebbe
headlock - presa di testa
start - inizio
mission - missione
weirdo - strambo
supposed - ipotetico
attack - attacco
behold - vedere
leglock - leglock
always - sempre
super - super
night - notte
along - lungo
clear - chiaro
aside - a parte
gonna - andando
demons - demoni
nobody - nessuno
least - meno
every - dejte pozor
coming - venuta
sitter - baby-sitter
forgot - dimenticato
nitwit - cretino
goregutter - goregutter
human - umano
obviously - ovviamente
everywhere - ovunque
hustle - trambusto
insisted - ha insistito
intro - intro
walked - camminava
skinny - magro
eventually - infine
knows - conosce
right - destra
nightmare - incubo
really - veramente
rescue - salvare
could - poteva
entrance - ingresso
rescues - salvataggi
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