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- I didn't touch the door.
- What?
It was already open.
The door was open
when you got there?
- Then who opened the door?
- Yeah.
I don't know, I mean...
- Maybe Andrew?
- What?
Andrew was asleep in our room.
No, he wasn't,
he was in grandpa's...
What are you talking about?
I put him in there
before you both woke up.
Travis, why are we only
hearing about this now?
I don't know.
- When was I supposed to...?
- Back up.
Tell us everything
that happened.
Andrew was in grandpa's room.
He was having a nightmare,
so I woke him up,
and I brought him to your room.
Then I went to the back hallway,
saw the door open,
heard something,
and then I woke everyone up.
- Andrew was in the other room?
- Yes.
Is that true, baby?
I can't remember.
Did you see Stanley last night?
Think real hard and tell mommy
what you remember.
I can't remember.
How can you not remember?
- Does he sleepwalk?
- No, he doesn't sleepwalk.
This doesn't make any sense,
cause Andrew is barely tall
enough to reach those locks.
You're positive
that the door was already open?
How can you be positive?
It was the middle of the night.
You coulda been half-asleep.
- He said he was sure.
- I was wide awake.
I'm positive.
Look, I'm not saying
you're lying, Travis.
I'm just saying it was
the middle of the night,
maybe you're not
I know what I saw.
I'm not gonna jump
to any conclusions, but...
Just to be safe, I think that...
We all shouldn't interact
for a day or so.
Dad, I'm sure it's fine.
I'm just taking
proper precautions, okay?
How's that sound?
Does it sound fair to everybody?
travis - travis
touch - toccare
those - quelli
think - pensare
interact - interagire
having - avendo
remember - ricorda
there - là
stanley - stanley
taking - presa
hallway - corridoio
gonna - andando
enough - abbastanza
heard - sentito
opened - ha aperto
asleep - addormentato
everybody - tutti
locks - serrature
everything - qualunque cosa
precautions - precauzioni
andrew - andrea
happened - è accaduto
barely - appena
remembering - ricordare
awake - sveglio
hearing - udito
everyone - tutti
conclusions - conclusioni
mommy - mammina
before - prima
other - altro
sound - suono
about - di
talking - parlando
brought - portato
sleepwalk - Sleepwalk
cause - causa
coulda - coulda
already - già
lying - dire bugie
maybe - può essere
middle - in mezzo
positive - positivo
nightmare - incubo
night - notte
proper - corretto
reach - raggiungere
saying - detto
sense - senso
something - qualcosa
supposed - ipotetico
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