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My dad. He's a coach.
He knows the game.
He's confident, he's smart,
witty, dynamic, vicious,
brutal, vindictive. A monster.
And he will win
through intimidation
and forceful tactics
if need be.
I'm not like that.
In fact, I don't know
anyone like that.
Do you?
So, Paul,
what's on your mind?
Actually, it's Phil.
You mean, it's not Paul?
No, it's Phil.
What's the difference?
Come on. Spit it out.
Uh, here it is.
- Mike!
- Hold this.
Oh, no. No, no, we do not
allow smoking in the house.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Ditka.
Here, I'll
get rid of it, honey.
Anyway, uh, I'm coaching
my son's soccer team.
I didn't know
if you might be willing to help.
I want you
to assistant coach.
Your assistant coach?
You really don't know
who I am, do you?
You're right. Silly idea.
I just... I just
need some help
and you're such
a great coach.
My dad's gonna be
riding me all season, so I just...
You mean I get to coach
against your dad?
Well, yeah.
Mike, I smell smoke!
Nobody's smokin'!
- Mike!
- For Pete's sake!
So, like, it's me and you
against your old man?
I mean,
there are other teams.
No smoking means
no smokin'!
Okay, come on, Phil.
I'll throw this out
the window, honey.
You should be.
It's a nasty, filthy habit.
- You can count me in.
- Really?
- Let's bring your old man down.
- Oh, great.
Look who's here.
I'll give you a hint.
Hall of Fame?
Chicago Bears?
Sammy Sosa?
No, football.
Coached the 1986...
'85 Bears
to a Super Bowl victory?
It's Mike Ditka.
Do you know Sammy Sosa?
Hey, zip it, kid!
I'm a coach that knows
about winning.
I'm gonna push you guys like
you've never been pushed before.
Some of you are
gonna wish I was dead.
It's true.
I know it's a weird thought,
but it's true.
I eat quitters for breakfast
and I spit out their bones.
Now this is gonna be the hardest
most difficult thing
you ever attempted
in your entire life.
- When it's over...
- When it's over...
- You guys are gonna be champions.
- Champions.
By God, you're
gonna be champions.
All right, everybody up.
Come on, everybody.
Let's go out and kick some butt.
Here we go. On three.
Let's have fun.
One, two, three.
Let's have fun.
"Let's have fun?"
What's that?
I just made it up.
window - finestra
willing - disposto
weird - strano
vindictive - vendicativo
vicious - vizioso
thing - cosa
super - super
sorry - scusa
smell - odore
silly - sciocco
should - dovrebbero
sammy - sammy
right - destra
riding - equitazione
confident - fiducioso
brutal - brutale
champions - campioni
difference - differenza
coaching - istruire
habit - abitudine
monster - mostro
victory - vittoria
tactics - tattica
smoking - fumo
allow - permettere
count - contare
coach - allenatore
actually - in realtà
anyway - comunque
football - calcio
there - là
coached - allenato
bears - orsi
difficult - difficile
teams - squadre
filthy - sporco
through - attraverso
bring - portare
bones - ossatura
against - contro
three - tre
their - loro
anyone - chiunque
everybody - tutti
hardest - più difficile
really - veramente
means - si intende
smoke - fumo
assistant - assistente
might - potrebbe
entire - intero
chicago - Chicago
attempted - tentata
throw - gettare
thought - pensato
dynamic - dinamico
knows - conosce
forceful - forte
great - grande
ditka - a-changin'
honey - miele
witty - spiritoso
house - casa
other - altro
about - di
intimidation - intimidazione
nasty - cattiva
winning - vincente
soccer - calcio
breakfast - colazione
never - mai
gonna - andando
pushed - spinto
smart - inteligente
season - stagione
before - prima
quitters - quitters
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