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One and a half billion dollars.
That's correct.
What did you do with that money?
We made so much money we had to keep an apartment just to keep the cash.
It was floor to the ceiling dollars.
We had to rotate the money from the top to the bottom... prevent mold from coming on the money from the humidity.
What the fuck does this say?
Did he have a partner or a government agency he was working with?
Mr. Blandon, were you working with a partner at that time?
Yes. Norwin Meneses.
That's correct.
Wait a second, what exactly is happening here, your honor?
Clearly, this reporter is giving direction to counsel.
- Approach. - Thank you.
Your honor, this man in the first row is a reporter
and he's giving questions to counsel.
If he is, and I'm not saying that he is...
Well, he is.
Ok, he is. But there's nothing in the rules that says he can't.
I don't like it.
But I'm not going to stop it. For now.
Then I am compelled to warn the court that this door
leads to very sensitive national security matters.
Then maybe you shouldn't have opened it.
Mr. Blandon, is it true that you and Norwin Meneses...
...were in communication with the federal government together?
Can you tell us who in the federal government you were in communication with?
Who were you working with?
The FBI?
Mr. Dodson can't answer that question for you, Mr. Blandon.
Remember, you're under oath.
- The DEA? - No.
It was the CIA.
- The Central Intelligence Agency. - Yes.
So, Mr. Blandon, what did the CIA have you do?
Objection! Relevance.
Overruled. Mr. Blandon, answer the question.
We were asked to support...
...a free and democratic Nicaragua - the Contras... the rebels... sending planes into Nicaragua and
raising money here in the U.S. for the war.
Mr. Blandon, did the CIA specifically know that you were selling cocaine... buy guns and supplies to support its cause?
Objection! This line of questioning has absolutely no relevance.
They knew who we were.
together - insieme
supplies - forniture
specifically - specificamente
support - supporto
saying - detto
rules - regole
rotate - ruotare
rebels - ribelli
question - domanda
under - sotto
prevent - impedire
second - secondo
democratic - democratico
sensitive - sensibile
remember - ricorda
correct - corretta
compelled - costretto
working - lavoro
partner - compagno
contras - contras
bottom - parte inferiore
ceiling - soffitto
billion - miliardo
court - tribunale
nothing - niente
questions - le domande
counsel - consiglio
blandon - Blandon
giving - dando
answer - risposta
floor - pavimento
security - sicurezza
communication - comunicazione
central - centrale
going - andando
agency - agenzia
apartment - appartamento
absolutely - assolutamente
clearly - chiaramente
direction - direzione
leads - conduce
approach - approccio
norwin - norwin
cocaine - cocaina
planes - aerei
nicaragua - Nicaragua
coming - venuta
cause - causa
asked - chiesto
dollars - dollari
exactly - di preciso
first - primo
raising - raccolta
happening - avvenimento
sending - invio
government - governo
honor - onore
relevance - rilevanza
questioning - interrogativo
intelligence - intelligenza
matters - questioni
thank - ringraziare
overruled - annullato
money - i soldi
maybe - può essere
selling - vendita
meneses - meneses
national - nazionale
reporter - reporter
humidity - umidità
objection - obiezione
federal - federale
opened - ha aperto
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